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What are wind tunnels?


Wind tunnels are used to study the effects of air on solid objects. They include a duct with a porthole and instrumentation for mounting shapes or patterns. Wires, dye, and probes can be used to study airflow. Wind tunnels were invented in 1871 and have been used in a variety of industries, including aeronautics, sports, and automotive.

Wind tunnels are research tools developed to assist in studying the effects of air moving over or around solid objects. The air is blown or drawn in through a specialized duct. Included in the duct are a porthole and instrumentation, to which geometric shapes or patterns can be mounted for study. The observed airflow and geometry inside wind tunnels are usually compared to theoretical results to verify their accuracy. This study requires taking into account the Reynolds number, which is the ratio of inertial forces to viscous forces, and the Mach number, which is the ratio of the speed of an object or stream to the speed of sound in the medium through which it travels.

Sometimes wires are attached to the object surface in wind tunnels to learn more about the flow direction and airflow velocity in a specific airflow situation. In this situation, the dye is injected into the airflow created in the wind tunnels and the resulting particles are photographed so they can be studied at varying times. Probes can also be inserted into certain points within the airflow in wind tunnels to measure air pressure.

Aeronautical Society of Great Britain board member Frances Wenham invented, designed and operated the first enclosed wind tunnel in 1871. The invention of wind tunnels led to more intense study of the technology and how it could be applied for future research and development.

The Wright brothers reportedly used a simple wind tunnel in 1901 to study airflow while developing their aircraft. Since that time, wind tunnels have been used in a variety of ways. Vertical wind tunnels are used in recreational facilities for indoor skydiving simulations. Other wind tunnels meet the needs of the automotive and sports industries, as well as addressing flight safety concerns. NASCAR racing teams, for example, use wind tunnels to test the aerodynamics of their car design setups, which can be different for each track they race at.
