Silver certificates have two values: face value and collector’s value. They are no longer redeemable for silver but are still legal tender. Collector’s value ranges from $0.25 USD to a few dollars more than face value, with uncirculated certificates being the most valuable. Special and limited editions can increase value. Consult a coin dealer or collectors guide to determine value.
The value of silver certificates can be determined in two ways, based on face value or collector’s value. The face value is the amount printed on the front of the certificate and is determined by the mint at the time of printing. Collector value is the amount that coin and note collectors are willing to pay. This varies depending on the date or print, the condition of the certificate and the markings on it. Silver certificates are no longer redeemable for silver.
A Silver Certificate looks a lot like old-fashioned American banknotes. The main difference is that the words Silver Certificate are printed above the portrait on the front of the bill. In some cases, the invoice also stipulates that an amount of silver equivalent to the face value of the certificate will be paid to the bearer upon demand. Beginning in June 1968, the US Congress suspended payment of silver certificates, so the owner of a silver certificate can no longer take it to the bank and exchange it for silver.
While no longer redeemable for silver, the value of silver certificates remains equal to the face value of the certificate for most practical purposes. They are still legal tender, which means they can be used just like paper money. The face value of silver certificates is usually $1, $5 or $10 US Dollars (USD).
The value of silver certificates is highest when traded as collectibles. The collector’s value of silver certificates is usually somewhere between $0.25 USD and a few dollars more than their face value. Uncirculated silver certificates are the most valuable because they tend to be in much better condition. An uncirculated silver certificate with a face value of $1 USD can sell for up to $4 USD. The same note, if circulated, could sell for as little as $1.50 USD.
As with most collector’s items, the value of silver certificates increases if the certificate being traded is part of a special edition or limited edition. An example is star notes. Printed in $1, $5, and $10 USD denominations, these bills have a small star instead of a letter after their serial numbers. Even silver certificates printed in certain years can be worth more than the average. The best way to find the value of silver certificates is to take them to a coin dealer or consult a coin and bill collectors guide.
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