What do wind developers do?

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Wind farm developers find and prepare sites for wind energy production, considering factors like wind speed and soil characteristics. They secure land, choose turbine locations, and handle lease and compensation issues. Wind farms require large investments and a technical understanding of wind energy. Professional consultants can assist with development and operations management.

Wind farm developers designate and organize the construction of an infrastructure on an onshore or offshore site in order to exploit wind energy productively. A landowner can develop a wind farm or host wind farm developers. When developing a wind farm, knowledge of a site, especially its wind and soil characteristics, is crucial.
Developers aim to keep costs down by choosing sites near existing high voltage transmission lines to save money on infrastructure. Choosing a site for a successful wind farm depends on the wind speed on the ground. Wind speeds below 11 miles per hour (17 kilometers per hour) are not usually conducive to success. Nearby weather stations and airports can provide wind speed data. A developer can also hire a wind consultant to initially assess the assets. As it becomes more established, a wind farm will have its own devices to monitor wind data.

Wind farm developers are responsible for securing the land for a wind farm, whether public or private. Many decisions have to be made, including road access for drivetrain setup, location of turbines, whether the land can handle the heavy equipment required, and future maintenance. In addition, they resolve all lease and compensation issues with the landowner. Problems can arise with adjacent landowners, such as neighbors who object to living near a wind farm. Sometimes, environmental regulations need to be met with a local agency. Other considerations include wildlife habitats, environmental issues, and possible interference from wind turbines on local flight patterns.

Typically, wind farm developers have access to the money. Wind farms require large sums to build. According to the American Wind Energy Association (AWEA), about 40 million US dollars is the average investment to develop wind energy on a piece of land. Developers must ensure that development costs are paid off using available wind sources. A developer also secures a strong commitment from whoever is going to buy the power.

Knowing the economic investment and wind energy trends, as well as the technical aspects of wind energy, gives wind farm developers an edge. Business acumen helps when obtaining investment capital, and a technical understanding of wind energy helps wind farm developers weigh costs versus productivity. Turbines are becoming more efficient as technology advances. Knowing that wind turbine blades need to be long enough to capture wind energy enough to be cost effective helps with development costs.

Furthermore, even slight variations in wind speed can increase electricity consumption and, therefore, costs. Professional wind energy consultants work with wind farm developers who may not possess this type of knowledge. Once developed, the owner can hire an experienced operations manager to manage the wind farm.

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