The first cook supervises the kitchen team, plans menus, orders ingredients, ensures food safety, and may prepare special snacks. They must have culinary training and experience in quantity cooking, as well as coordination and multitasking skills.
A prime minister prepares a supervisory document in an institutional kitchen, whereby the reviews are prepared in large quantities for a population such as students or prisoners. The job requirements for this position vary, but generally include the least one with experience and supervision in a kitchen whereby the food is prepared in quantity, jointly with culinary training, preferably with a certificate or diploma from a culinary school . They trabalho can envolver horas irregulares e as pessoas passam muito tempo em pé en ambiances quentes e chaóticos.
The first cozinheiro can supervise all the team or work with another supervisor, depending on how the command unit is structured in a specific work place. The person who works in this function is involved in the contracting and dispatching of the workforce, in the creation of diaries and does not work with officials who specify the folga or other conveniences in the working place. The first cook generally specifies a health certification and audits the workplace to ensure that the people who are there are observing the strict food safety precautions, as well as establishing policies designed to keep the kitchen safe and clean.
In some institutions, the prime cozinheiro planeja o cardápio, enquanto em outras o cardápio é passado pelos supervisores. The first cook must take up the ingredient lists to make orders for the ingredients, plan ahead with the food production described on the menu and supervise the preparation and handling and safe storage of the food. The first cozinheiros can also be involved in determining how to reuse the meat and can be forced to prepare special snacks for people with specific needs, such as gluten-free snacks or vegetarian snacks.
The first cooks are in the habit of taking action to take advantage of the situation in the kitchen, unfold a plan of action for the day and reunite with other kitchen functionaries, such as cooking and maintenance teams. The supervisor attributes tarefas às pessoas when he reports the trabalho, podem se engajar em cozinhar e também caminha pelo chão da cozinha to monitor the pessoas enquanto trabalho. If you have concerns or complaints about a kitchen, this team member will be able to participate in meetings to resolve the problem. When the pessoas are not actively preparing the snacks, the first cook is to make an inventory of supplies, make pedidos and train pessoal.
They trabalho require boas abilities das pessoas, pois os supervisores preciseam ser capazes de coordenar con sua equipe. Tolerance for very busy work places is fundamental and also multi-tasking skills are necessary, since the first cooks precisely match various lawns, functions and cooking areas while they are in work.