Freelance resume writers prepare resumes for job seekers, gathering information about their work experience and education to emphasize their suitability for a specific job. They advertise through various means, conduct interviews with clients, and tailor resumes to specific industries. Established writers often focus on specific sectors and stay up-to-date on industry trends and resume writing standards.
A freelance resume writer is a self-employed individual who prepares resumes for job seekers. Resume writers should gather information from clients about their previous work experience and educational background, then assemble the information into a resume that emphasizes the individual’s suitability for a specific job. Some freelance resume writers hold other full-time jobs and only write resumes on a part-time basis to generate additional income.
Resume companies often start with a freelance resume writer who offers to prepare resumes for friends and family. An established freelance resume writer might advertise for clients at the local employment office, online, or in the classified section of a local newspaper. Local and national freelance resume writer groups also promote the services of individual writers through trade magazines and website directories. Resume writers need to find out a lot of personal information about their clients in order to write an accurate resume, and consequently, many resume writers rely heavily on client references from close contacts and past clients.
Most freelance resume writers arrange in-person or phone interviews with potential clients. The client informs the resume writer of the position he intends to apply for and provides the resume writer with a detailed background of his academic and professional experience. Resume writers need to conduct research to learn about different industries so they can tailor resumes to each client’s specific needs. Clients who intend to apply for a variety of different positions often require two or three different resumes or a very broad multipurpose resume.
A freelance resume writer needs to agree to a deadline by which he will have a draft resume ready for client review. Customers can accept the document or request some modifications. The resume writer makes the necessary adjustments and provides the client with the complete resume in paper and/or electronic format. Many clients also require cover letters, and some freelance resume writers provide a cover letter for free, while others charge a supplementary fee.
Established freelance resume writers often focus on helping clients who work in a specific sector of the economy. Jobs in the medical field and academia often require specialized skills, and in order to prepare good resumes for their clients, freelance writers spend time researching industry trends to ensure that the resumes written promote the type of skills needed to land a job. . Resume writers also need to stay current on trends in the resume writing industry, ensure that the resumes produced are formatted correctly, and use keywords that recruiters look for when sorting through job applications.