A deleatur is a symbol used in proofreading to indicate that a section of text should be removed. It resembles an archaic “d” and is often replaced by strikethroughs. As digital editing becomes more common, the need for a deleatur is likely to be eliminated.
A deleatur is a symbol used in proofreading and editing that indicates that a section of a text should be removed or deleted. In appearance, it resembles a letter “d” from an archaic script and is quite unclear in meaning except to those who recognize it. While deleatur serves a useful function, it has been replaced by some editors and proofreaders by simply hitting a line or section of text. This is especially true in digital print and text formats where the symbol can be difficult to create and often seen as unnecessary.
There is no letter in the English language that closely resembles a deleatur, as it is derived from an ancient and unused script. It may look very similar to the German cent symbol, however, which is derived from a similar source. The letter “d” in the same script was used to indicate denarius, Roman monetary units that spread throughout Germany. A deleatur, also called a “dele,” is typically used by professional proofreaders, although some editors are familiar with the symbol. It is usually written in the margins of a text next to a section that needs to be deleted, which is indicated by circle or underline.
Some proofreaders prefer to use a strikethrough rather than a deleatur to indicate sections that should be deleted. A strikethrough is simply a horizontal line through a word or passage. One of the problems with strikethrough notation, however, is that it can easily be missed by a writer who is proofreading work based on notes provided by a proofreader. Some editors use a different color for strikethrough, such as red ink over a selection of black text. To ensure that notes are seen by a writer, the use of both a deleatur and lines through the text is quite common, as the symbol in the margin ensures that it is noted and the section for deletion is crossed out.
The need for a deleatur is likely to be eliminated as editing and proofreading is increasingly done through purely digital means. A proofreader can simply select a section of text and highlight it or otherwise note the need for removal without margin erasures. The medium of digital text often allows for this type of indication to be more visible than a simple strikethrough on paper as different colors and shades can easily be used in digital text. As new technologies such as digital paper solutions and computer tablets evolve, the ways proofreaders read and proofread work before publication are developing with them.