A gold digger is someone who dates for financial gain, not gender-specific. Signs include asking for money or checking finances. Bad behavior follows when they don’t get their way. Some embrace it, but it’s important to trust your gut and avoid being used.
The term gold digger makes many in the dating world cringe. The mere thought of dating a person who is a gold digger can make even the most attention-seeking men and women run in the opposite direction. To avoid dating one, you first need to understand what exactly the term means.
A gold digger is someone who dates another person for financial and material gain. While the term is usually associated with women, it is possible that men are gold diggers as well. It is not a gender specific term as it is possible for both men and women to take advantage of someone else’s generosity. Many of these people claim to be in love with, or similar, others when in reality they view the relationship almost as a business transaction.
There are signs to be aware of so that a gold digger doesn’t deceive you. If the person often asks you to buy him things, expects you to pay every time you date, or asks you for money, then chances are you have one in the mix. Some people will even go as far as to check your wallet, ATM receipts, and bank statements in an attempt to find out how much money you have. It’s best to open your eyes a little more to how he’s behaving and consider reevaluating the relationship.
When the gold digger doesn’t get his way, bad behavior usually follows. For example, the person might have a serious outburst, withhold intimacy, or threaten to end the relationship if you don’t change your ways and start spending more money on them. These cases are usually not a one-time deal and will most likely happen almost anytime the person doesn’t get what he thinks he fully deserves.
While most people dread the idea of getting involved with a gold digger, there are those who embrace it. There are several websites dedicated to dating those who have a large amount of money. While not all of the people on these sites are gold diggers, they can be targets for those who are.
To avoid getting caught up with a gold digger, it’s important to pay attention to how the person is behaving and to trust your gut as to what his or her intentions are. Even if you are desperate for love, you should be patient for the type of person who truly wants to be with you instead of someone who will use you.