Cash for Refrigerators offers refunds to those who replace old appliances with newer, more efficient models. The program aims to conserve energy and revitalize the appliance industry, covering a range of household appliances. Unlike Cash for Clunkers, participants do not need to exchange an old appliance to receive a discount. However, some experts are skeptical of the program’s effectiveness.
Cash for Refrigerators, a program launched in the United States by the federal government, offers a refund to people who replace refrigerators and other domestic appliances by newer and more efficient models. Cash for Refrigerators menudo compares with the Cash for Clunkers program in the same country, which involves the trade of old cars. Unlike the car programme, citizens do not need to change an appliance to get a discount for a new one. Los Estados Unidos reservaron $ 300 millones de dólares estadounidenses (USD) to give refunds to those persons who complete and send a refund form.
Cash for Refrigerators was introduced in 2009 to encourage citizens to conserve energy and revitalize the appliance industry. Changing old appliances to other new ones that meet certain federal standards can cost you thousands of dollars each year. The program is not limited to refrigerators; Washers, air-conditioned air and many other necessary and daily household appliances are covered by the programme. Some regions of the country have rewarded people for updating their energy efficiency models, and the new program can give these people more horrors.
This menu program is compared with the Cash for Clunkers program of the country, but it is different in many aspects. Cash for Clunkers requires that participants exchange a car, whereas Cash for Refrigerators generally only requires that participants complete a refund form by courier. Occasionally, a state may require that participants complete a form in person. Unlike Cash for Clunkers, this program is introduced slowly in the EE. UU., Con diferentes estados con diferentes fechas de inicio y pagos. Some states allowed people to reserve a refund on the Internet, anticipating that the $300 million in dollars would be quickly consumed.
While the US States reserved $3,000,000 in dollars for the Cash for Clunkers program, only 10 per cent of that cantidad went to the Cash for Refrigerators program. Without embargo, some minorities of domestic appliances are not sure that any cantidad helps. For example, the experts point out that, since there is no interchange, people can get good offers on appliances when they offer them. The Cash for Clunkers program would require an interchange, and this interchange was worth a fixed fee, which was algo tangible for the compradors. Other experts have expressed their concern that the program is mainly ineffective because it will probably not slow down people who do not need new appliances to go up and buy them in all ways.
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