“Inter se” is a legal term meaning rights and obligations between individuals or groups with a similar legal status. Parties to contracts can vary their rights, and prenuptial agreements can alter property division in divorce. The phrase also applies to relationships within organizations and between governments.
The Latin phrase inter se or inter se is a legal term meaning “between or between them.” It describes rights and obligations that arise only within a particular group or between individuals who, under a specific set of circumstances, have a similar legal status. It is sometimes used to make a distinction between those who have rights or duties and those who do not.
In the United States, the law may allow parties to certain contracts to vary, among themselves or each other, the rights that the law would give them if there were no agreement. For example, a law governing partnerships might provide that, in the absence of an agreement between the parties, the partners must divide all profits of the partnership equally. This means that if the partners want to give a larger share of the profits to the senior partners than to the junior partners, they must make an agreement among themselves to divide the profits in this way. The agreement is entered into by the members of a specific partnership and applies only to them and to that partnership.
Similarly, if a married couple divorces in the United States, the property will usually be divided according to the laws of the state where the couple lives. Such laws generally stipulate that if a marriage ends, the property will be divided in a specific way. The law, however, may recognize prenuptial agreements; the couple may agree, before the wedding, that in the event of a divorce, they will divide the property differently than the law would divide it. They made a deal with each other or with each other. The deal only applies to them, and only if they’re married.
The law can create certain rights or obligations between individuals who share a relationship within an organization. The shareholders of company A have rights that exist between them as shareholders of that company. Rights arise only between the shareholders of company A and not between them and the shareholders of company B.
The phrase can also refer to the relationship between governments. In Australian law, the phrase inter se is used to describe a dispute relating to the division of power between the Commonwealth government and the government of one of its states. The phrase also arises in discussions of treaties made between nations that are members of the World Trade Organization (WTO). In this context, it refers to agreements made between two or more nations that are members of the WTO.