Mental anguish can lead to compensation in civil lawsuits if it can be proven that someone else’s actions caused the distress. This can include depression, grief, fear, stress, anxiety, humiliation, and PTSD. The compensation can vary depending on the case and the judge. Lawyers cannot solicit clients directly.
Mental anguish is a psychological distress that is experienced following traumatic events. In law, there may be cases where people can be compensated for this hardship they have experienced if they can prove that someone else’s hurt contributed to or created the state of distress. For example, family members of a murder victim might sue the killer for mental anguish in a civil suit.
Psychological distress can take a number of forms, including depression, grief, fear, stress, anxiety, humiliation and fear. To be considered mental anguish for legal purposes, it is usually necessary to provide documentation showing that the psychological problems experienced were intense, were related to someone else’s actions, and were not characteristic of the person experiencing them. Someone with a history of depression, for example, may not necessarily be entitled to claim mental anguish on the grounds of depression.
People may experience this type of distress following torture or threats, being forced to witness acts of depravity such as torture, murder or rape, or being seriously injured as a result of wrongful acts. Someone who loses a leg in a car accident, for example, might argue that the experience of loss and healing was accompanied by mental anguish. Other events that could cause psychological distress include kidnappings, public humiliations, or accidents that lead to the development of PTSD.
Mental anguish lawsuits are usually seen in civil courts and may be accompanied by claims for other types of damages. In the first paragraph example, for example, the family might also sue for loss of wages, claiming that the killer deprived the family of a wage earner and money she or he might have brought into the house. When deciding what types of damages to sue for, attorneys generally consider the facts of the case, the potential ability to pay damages, and the prevailing legal culture in the area where the case is being conducted. If a judge is known to be tough on mental anguish cases, for example, a lawyer might choose to focus on other types of damages.
The size of a mental anguish award can vary, depending on the nature of the crime, the judge, the evidence presented in court, and other factors. It is important to be aware that in most countries, lawyers are not allowed to solicit clients directly or compensate people for soliciting clients on their behalf. If a lawyer approaches you with an offer to start a civil suit, you may be violating the standards of conduct set by the bar association.