Exanthema subitum, or roseola, is a viral disease that affects young children and is spread through mucous membranes. Symptoms include sudden high fever, rash, and swollen lymph nodes. Treatment is symptomatic and the disease usually resolves on its own without long-term effects.
Exanthema subitum, also known as roseola or sixth disease, is a viral disease that affects children aged between six and 24 months. It is most often spread through the mucous membranes of a non-symptomatic child. The initial symptom associated with exanthema subitum is a sudden, high fever that lasts up to four days. Your child may have enlarged lymph nodes, a red, non-itchy rash, and may be fussy and refuse to eat; cough, sore throat, diarrhea, or vomiting are sometimes, but not often, associated with this disease. Roseola can be treated symptomatically and usually does not cause long-term problems for the baby.
The viruses responsible for exanthema subitum belong to the herpes family and are not related to the rubella virus, or German measles. Roseola is rarely seen in children over the age of four, although at least one case of an 18-year-old contracting it has been documented. When a person is exposed, the virus incubates for about 18 days.
Once the incubation period has passed, the baby will have a fever of between 103°-106° Fahrenheit (39.4°-41.2° Celsius). Sometimes a high fever can cause a child to have a fever. Aside from the fever, your child may generally be irritable or have a reduced appetite. Healthcare professionals may notice swollen lymph nodes under the arms or in the upper neck near the chin. Sometimes children develop a cough, sore throat, and other cold or flu-like symptoms, but the fever typically ends abruptly on the third or fourth day.
With the end of the fever comes the development of a rash. The rash is usually located on the arms, neck and torso. It starts as red dots and progresses to a thin, non-itchy rash. After a day or two, the rash should disappear on its own.
There are no antibiotics or other drugs to fight the virus itself. Treatment is symptomatic. Acetaminophen or ibuprofen may be recommended to bring down a fever. Aspirin should not be given to infants, children, or adolescents because a serious condition called Reye’s syndrome can occur. It is very important to keep your child hydrated. Sponge baths may also be suggested by your child’s pediatrician.
Usually, exanthema subitum goes away on its own after six or seven days. The doctor should be informed if the rash gets worse, if the child cannot tolerate the symptoms or if there are signs of infection. If the disease does not progress as expected, the doctor should also be informed. In most cases, your child will recover from exanthema subitum without adverse results.