The Civilian Public Service (CPS) was an alternative to military service for conscientious objectors during World War II. Administered by American peace churches, CPS workers provided vital work in exchange for minimal wages. CPS camps were self-sustaining and workers served longer than soldiers. Despite protests for better treatment, CPS contributed greatly to the US war effort.
The Civilian Public Service (CPS) was an alternative to military service made available to conscientious objectors during World War II. Differentiated from non-combatant military service, civilian public service was administered largely by a board of American peace churches such as the Quakers and Mennonites, with individual service camps sponsored by specific congregations. In exchange for minimal maintenance wages, the US government received countless hours of work in a variety of vital areas from CPS workers during World War II.
After the experience of conscientious objectors during World War I, leaders of many American peace churches approached the government to request a viable alternative service for religious conscientious objectors. The Government has agreed that alternative service should be an option, including a clause in the Selective Service Act referring to work of ‘national importance’ as an alternative service.
However, when the United States entered World War II, it became apparent that the government was not ready. Eventually, a religious council was formed to administer civilian public service, and the government helped establish camps throughout the United States and Puerto Rico for people who preferred CPS to conscription or enlistment.
The CPS camps were expected to be largely self-sustaining, with many having large gardens and benefiting from the support of the congregations. Civilian public service people worked on farms, fought fires, nursed hospitals, provided mental health care, built a wide variety of structures, and participated in a variety of other duties. Some have even participated in medical experiments, acting as human guinea pigs for researchers; in particular, a crew of CPS volunteers was used in a landmark study of starvation in an effort to determine the best treatment approach for concentration camp victims.
People in civilian public service have served, on average, much longer than soldiers. The camps were not formally broken up for more than a year after the war’s conclusion, and while the camps were open, numerous protests were held to lobby for better conditions and more equitable treatment. While the civilian public service undoubtedly contributed much to the United States during the war, many people believe that it was poorly administered and that CPS workers were abused in the course of their service.