The myth of the mob using concrete shoes as a method of execution is unfounded. Concrete has been used in body disposal, but not as a method of execution. The term “cement shoes” is technically incorrect, as cement alone is unlikely to be used in body removal. The alleged victims are sometimes said to be “sleeping with the fishes,” but this method carries the risk of eventual discovery.
According to American legend, the mob, also known as the mob, uses concrete shoes as a method of execution. When someone is executed with concrete shoes, their feet are encased in concrete, and then the victim is thrown into a body of water such as an ocean or a bay. The weight of the concrete pushes the victim to the bottom, causing the victim to drown while ensuring that the body cannot float to the top.
In fact, no documentation of the use of concrete shoes for the murder can be found. It’s understandable that most people fight while the concrete is setting, and most gangsters don’t have the patience to deal with a victim while the concrete is setting. It is more likely that the myth arose from the practice of weighing bodies with concrete, cement blocks, and chains for disposal in bodies of water, with the weight used to avoid the surface of the body, rather than as a method of execution.
Legends of concrete shoes abound in American culture, with some stories dating back to the boisterous days of the 1920s, when criminal groups were very active. Concrete has certainly been used in body disposal, as numerous criminal cases attest, but as a method of execution, it hasn’t been found outside of Hollywood movies and crime novels.
Some people use the term “cement shoes” to refer to this execution technique, which is technically incorrect, as cement is a component in concrete, and cement alone is unlikely to be seen in body removal. Cement is the binding material in concrete, acting to make the gravel and other ingredients in the concrete stick together, ensuring that a solid mass is formed. If cement was used alone it would have a tendency to crack and stress, especially if the victim was alive and struggling when the feet were encased.
The alleged victims of this particular form of execution are sometimes said to be “sleeping with the fishes”, a reference to the fact that they eliminate themselves underwater. Slanderous references to “sleeping with the fish” can also be used to talk about murder victims in general, not just people who wear concrete shoes. Contrary to the mobsters’ wishes, it is possible for body parts to surface after being submerged, as the body begins to fall apart as it decomposes. As a result, this particular removal method carries the risk of eventual discovery.