Web hosts and designers offer ecommerce templates for corporate clients to build websites quickly and cheaply. Templates can be generic or targeted to niche businesses, with common features such as catalog pages, shopping carts, and customer account management. Ecommerce templates also include adaptations of WordPress blogging software and templates that come with specific shopping cart software. Templates have certain set elements and others that users can change.
People who put up websites have a variety of choices in how to create the look. Hiring a designer is an option, but not one that everyone wants or can pay for. Many webhosts and webdesigners, among the range of products and services they offer to clients, provide sitebuilders or templates to help users build websites quickly and cheaply. Because ecommerce customers – those who want to conduct business on the Internet – have specific needs that aren’t shared by people building personal websites, web hosts and designers provide specific ecommerce templates for corporate clients who are launching a website.
Some ecommerce templates can be generic, aimed at any business. Others are more targeted, targeting, for example, pet stores, restaurants, florists, auto parts stores, and other niche businesses. The models also differ in the number and type of pages offered. Some are very limited, while others are more expansive.
Since many ecommerce sites have common needs, a certain set of features can be found in the basic ecommerce templates. These include: catalog pages showing items for sale, shopping carts, customer account management, featured product sections and/or new products, product or site search, product category listing, newsletter signup and preset pages for About, Contact, and FAQ. Some might even come with industry-related articles, though experts recommend using unique content.
In addition to the basic templates, the term ecommerce template is used to refer to types of website setups that are also known by other names. For example, it includes adaptations of WordPress blogging software, called themes, which are especially suited for e-commerce. It also includes templates, or skins, that come with specific shopping cart software, such as Zen Cart or CubeCart.
Ecommerce templates have certain elements that are set and other elements that users can change. Some have pages set up and others allow the user to rename one or more pages. Many have a header set, but some may allow you to replace your image with one provided or change the number of items shown on the home page. Some have built-in shopping carts and some require the user to add one.