Kewpie dolls, known for their chubby cheeks, large eyes, and curled hair, were created by Rose O’Neill in 1912. Originally appearing in print, Kewpie dolls became popular and were made into ceramic bisque, celluloid, and plastic versions. Vintage dolls can sell for high prices and modern versions are still produced by Charisma Brands.
Kewpie dolls are dolls characterized by fat cheeks, very large eyes, and a lock of hair curled up on top of the head. When these dolls were first released in 1912, they were immensely popular, and while Kewpie dolls aren’t as plentiful and popular as they once were, Kewpie collectors exist, ensuring a continued strong market for the dolls. Replicas and modern dolls can be found in many toy stores, while vintage Kewpie dolls can sell for very large sums, especially if their provenance can be verified.
Kewpies got their start in print, appearing in a series of cartoons by Rose O’Neill that appeared in Ladies’ Home Journal in the early 1900s. O’Neill claimed that the Kewpies came to her in dreams and were supposed to be like benevolent spirits that they would help get people out of trouble; they were often depicted in small humorous scenes intended to appeal to young women and girls. When the cartoon series became a hit, O’Neill started making paper Kewpie dolls to meet the demand for more product, but fans asked for a doll they could actually hold, and thus the first doll was born. Kewpie.
The first Kewpie dolls were made of ceramic bisque and many of them came with fancy outfits. Later celluloid and hard plastic versions were produced, along with soft “cuddle Kewpies”. The Bucks proved so successful that a variety of Kewpie-branded products were released, ranging from pins to decorative plates. The distinctive dolls were easy enough for consumers to recognize, making the brand a big hit.
Many people consider Kewpie dolls to be cute, with their exaggerated features and small size. “Kewpie” is actually short for “Cupid,” and like the Cupids on Valentine’s Day cards, Kewpie dolls tend to be pink, plump, and childish. Many also have wings, which strengthen the bond with Cupid, and their arms are often outstretched, as if the doll is about to hug someone.
As with other collectibles, care should be taken when purchasing Kewpie dolls. Vintage versions are very expensive, as a general rule, and it’s a good idea to test such dolls to confirm they’re genuine, to make sure you don’t end up with a replica. Modern dolls are less expensive, with a number of manufacturers making various versions. As of 2008, the official manufacturer of Kewpie dolls is Charisma Brands.