Plane blades are the cutting edge of a planer tool, used to flatten wood edges, decrease thickness or create smooth curves. They vary in size, material, and shape depending on the specific plane used. Carbide or steel are preferred materials, and there are special blades for custom woodworking.
The cutting edge of a plane tool is called a plane blade. It is a removable part of the planer, allowing users to sharpen, replace or switch blades for different conditions and projects. Planer blades behave much like a razor blade, scraping through even layers of wood to create an even, smooth surface. Numerous types of plane blades are used in woodworking to flatten wood edges, decrease wood thickness, or to create a smooth curve for table tops, chair edges, or moldings.
In terms of size, plane blades vary depending on the specific plane used. Bench hand planes, the most common planes dating back to antiquity, range in size from 5 inches (12.7 cm) up to nearly 2 feet (60.96 cm) in length. Modern electric planes commonly measure less than 1cm in length, but longer options are available for special tools. With so many planer tool size options, planer blade lengths naturally vary. Other characteristics of plane blades also vary, including the type of metal, the shape of the blade, and the overall thickness.
Carbide or various types of steel are the preferred materials for blades. Carbide-edged or carbide-edged blades allow for planing of harder woods, due to the material’s increased strength and heat resistance. High-speed or laminated steel planer blades offer agility, reduced cost, and the ability to re-sharpen blades repeatedly before needing replacement. Antique hand planes often feature iron blades, although replacement blades are difficult to fit for such tools.
Depending on the specific type of plane, the actual characteristics of the plane blades differ. For example, hand planes used to manually shape or shave wood have thin, flat blades set in a wood or wood-and-metal housing. Electric planers, by contrast, use planer blades known as knives. Planer knives are generally thicker than hand planer blades, with a longer cutting edge. Metal housings for power planer knives provide the improved stability needed for a power tool, especially in commercial applications.
In addition to standard hand or power planer blades, there are blade options that round the edges of wood, create worn surfaces, and provide other custom woodworking choices. Spiral plane blades have beveled edges with a scalloped shape to create uneven, worn, or antique-looking surfaces. Ramming, shoulder and plane blades create rounded edges, steps or allow you to work on very small pieces of wood such as musical instruments or toys. Such special blades require special planers.