A person’s communication skills can affect their success in the job market, and using powerful words can increase earning power. A million dollar vocabulary includes less common words that convey confidence. Building a million dollar vocabulary can be done through reading, using a thesaurus, and practicing new words daily.
People in business are often judged on how effectively they communicate. The way a person speaks leaves an impression, true or false, about that person’s intelligence, background, education, and employment status. An individual with a full vocabulary will make a much more powerful first impression than one who lacks in this area, no matter how intelligent or educated that person may be. By using words with power, persuasion and impact, or a million dollar vocabulary, a person can increase their communication and increase earning power.
Good communication skills are essential in today’s competitive job market. A potential candidate may have all the necessary qualifications, but lose their job to an individual who is better able to express their ideas verbally. But the million dollar vocabulary concept takes it a step further and focuses on selecting specific words that have been shown to contribute to an impression of power and success. Words considered part of a million dollar vocabulary aren’t necessarily obscure or complex; rather they are words that may be used less frequently and because they are less common, they convey a sense of power and confidence.
The best way to illustrate the power of the million dollar vocabulary is by quoting illustrations of powerful words. For example, using the word “taste” to describe a person’s initiative or courage is much more effective than “nerve” or “gut.” “Increase” is much stronger than “add to” or “increase”. Using “ascertain” rather than “find out” or “find out” conveys more self-confidence. “Example” or “paradigm” are much stronger words than “example” or “standard”.
A quick internet search reveals a number of different training programs designed to teach you the foundation for achieving a million dollar vocabulary. There are also books, CDs and DVDs that can be purchased for this purpose. However, there are also steps a person can take individually to build their million dollar vocabulary, and these are free.
1. Raise your reading level. If you’ve read the tabloids and romance novels, it’s time for a change of scenery and exposure to higher quality writing.
2. Use the thesaurus. When writing a document using Microsoft Word, use the built-in Thesaurus on the Tools tab to consider alternative word choices in key phrases. For example, in the previous sentence replacing the word “employ” with “use” gives more force to the sentence.
3. Commit to spending 30 minutes a day looking up new words and practicing their use in an effort to build your million dollar vocabulary.
Building a million dollar vocabulary can help increase earning power and convey a sense of power and prestige. It’s a relatively simple effort, but well worth the investment.