The term “bad egg” refers to someone who has turned out to be bad despite appearing decent. It may imply that the person has no chance of redemption. The origin of the term is unclear, but it may relate to the egg shape of the human head. Like a rotten egg, a bad egg may appear normal on the outside, but reveal a spoiled interior. The term is also related to dishonesty and may be used to warn others of a bad influence.
When someone is referred to as a bad egg, it means that they have turned out to be bad, despite early signs of being a decent person. Terms such as “rotten apple” and “bad seed” are also used in the same way. The term often carries the implication that the individual in question has no possibility of redemption; like a rotten egg, he or she is just plain bad to the core.
People have been calling themselves “eggs” since the 1600s and the origins of the use of “egg” in slang are a bit unclear. It could be a reference to the classic egg shape of the human head. The sense of a “bad egg” emerged in the mid-1800s, first appearing in a newspaper opinion column about a corrupt mayor. The column pointed out that he had numerous underworld ties, despite appearing to be a normal fellow, and righteous citizens should not vote for him in the next election.
Much like an actual rotten egg, a human egg typically has a perfectly ordinary surface that provides no clue as to what’s inside. When eggs go bad, their shells typically remain intact for some time and the truth is only revealed when the shell is cracked open to reveal the egg’s spoiled interior. In the case of a human bad egg, people may not realize he or she is bad until things have come to a head.
The term is also related to a certain amount of dishonesty. A bad egg obviously would need to lie to hide its bad identity, while preserving an innocent and healthy appearance. When the person is exposed, many people wonder when they have told the truth and when they have been told lies. This dishonesty can also be disheartening to people who have supported him in some way, as they typically feel betrayed and used.
Some people talk about “bad eggs” in the sense of people who are obviously bad or people who may be a bad influence. For example, a parent might tell a child not to associate with so-and-so because he or she is a “bad egg.” In this case, the truth about the nature of the bad egg is out, but it could still exert a harmful influence on people who are impressionable, such as children.