Ball mills grind materials into a fine powder using cylindrical containers and grinding materials such as ceramic balls, stainless steel balls, and flint pieces. They are often used in pyrotechnics and mechanical alloying. Planetary ball mills are used in laboratories. They should be operated by trained professionals and cannot be used with flammable or sensitive materials.
A ball mill is a grinding device which is used to process material into a fine powder. Ball mills are cylindrical in shape and are often the grinder of choice when it comes to crushing paint, minerals, ceramic materials and some harsh chemicals. By rotating on a horizontal axis, a ball mill can effectively convert a hard material into a loose powder.
In addition to the material to be ground, ball mills also contain a material to be ground. Ceramic balls, stainless steel balls and pieces of flint are often used as grinding materials. When this matter grinds against another matter, the result is a crushed powder that can be used for other applications.
An industrial ball mill has the ability to run continuously. These ball mills are often controlled by a machine that feeds materials through one end of the mill and out the other end. The smallest mills can only work with the help of a cylindrical container containing a sealing cap. These mills are part of a pulley system that uses belts and pulleys to drive smaller ball mills.
The concept of the rock tumbler, a device that polishes ordinary rocks, is based on this type of mill. Also, ball mills are often used in pyrotechnics to create black powder, although some pyrotechnic products cannot be produced using a ball mill. Because some materials will explode on impact, materials of this nature cannot be placed inside an active ball mill. These mills are particularly useful during any mechanical alloying development, as grinding hard materials within a ball mill is relatively straightforward.
Stainless steel balls are often the grinding material of choice when it comes to ball mills. Steel has the ability to pulverize almost any material, although steel cannot be used in conjunction with flammable materials and sensitive materials. Some raw materials would be damaged by steel, which is why flint and ceramic balls are often used to crush delicate raw materials.
Recently, the planetary ball mill has been invented to reduce the size of some sample materials. These large ball mills are typically used in a laboratory setting. Before the invention of ball mills, manufacturers had difficulty creating dust from sensitive and flammable substances. Today this type of conversion is easier to do thanks to the invention of the ball mill. While useful, these mills should not be operated without the supervision of a trained professional, as some materials, as previously mentioned, cannot be mixed within ball mills.