A bar strainer is a tool used to filter debris out of mixed drinks, specifically designed for cocktails. They are usually made of stainless steel and come in different sizes to fit different glasses. Using a bar strainer produces a smoother drink and is essential in a professional setting. They are easy to clean and dishwasher safe.
A bar strainer is a gadget that is used to keep pulp, crushed ice, fruit pits, and other debris out of mixed drinks. It’s specifically designed for making cocktails and similar drinks and doesn’t have many uses beyond the bar. Many kitchen and beverage stores sell bar strainers, usually made of stainless steel, so they’re easy to clean. Additionally, stainless steel will not corrode when exposed to acidic substances such as lemon juice, unlike other materials that can be used to make kitchen utensils.
The design of a bar strainer usually includes a long handle for gripping, attached to a flat scoop with prongs designed to hold it out of a glass. A coil spring along the edge holds the filter in place and also filters the fluid that is poured through it. To use a bar strainer, a bartender holds it in place atop a mixing glass and inverts the mixing glass over the glass in which the drink will be served. The drink is able to pour freely through the device, leaving debris behind.
Different companies make different sized bar filters to fit different glasses. As a general rule, a filter is used with a mixing glass or beverage glass. These tumblers are often larger than serving glasses, leaving plenty of room for mixing a drink or multiple beverages. It’s important to only use one that fits snugly into the glass, otherwise the pieces can slip into the drink. People who are setting up a bar may want to consider purchasing filters, stirrers and barware at the same time so they can check their suitability.
Using a bar strainer will produce a drink with a smoother look and texture, making it more enjoyable to consume. Especially when shaken mixed drinks are served, this tool ensures that no ice chips can penetrate the final product, as the chunks can be unwelcome to the consumer. In a professional setting, a filter is essential and most bartenders have several at their workstations to ensure one is always available. At home, the filter can make a big difference in the quality of the drinks served.
In most cases, the coil spring on a filter is removable for cleaning. Many bar strainers are dishwasher safe, in which case the coil must be removed and inserted with the silverware. Otherwise, it should be disassembled to be washed with mild soap and warm water, and the parts should be dried separately.