A Barmuda Triangle is an area with a high concentration of bars, often found in college towns or along roads. It can lead to high rates of DUIs and drinking-related accidents. Bar owners benefit from central locations but must offer entertainment and low prices. Some communities attempt to reduce the number of bars to improve safety.
A Barmuda Triangle is an area where the concentration of bars is particularly high. The number of bars located within an area known as the Barmuda triangle can be greater than three, of course, and sometimes an area with only two bars may colloquially be referred to as the Barmuda triangle. You may also hear this area also referred to as the beer triangle.
Commonly, a barmuda triangle can be found at an intersection or along a road. Especially in college towns, bars tend to cluster together to attract students, encouraging students bored with one bar to frequent one that’s conveniently nearby. The area can also be distributed in a neighborhood. In all cases the phenomenon is characterized by an unusually high number of bars compared to the other exercises.
The term refers to the Bermuda Triangle, a section of the Atlantic that is plagued by mysterious disappearances and other phenomena. In a Barmuda Triangle, arrest rates for DUIs and drinking-related accidents are often high compared to other regions, thanks to the assortment of bars that make drinking easy. Violence rates may also be higher in this area, along with sexual assault rates, although this is not always the case.
For bar owners, there are both pros and cons to being in a barmuda triangle. On the one hand, a central location ensures that the bar gets traffic from people on their pub crawls or people who might get bored with other establishments. Central locations can also attract walk-ins who may not be familiar with the area. However, it’s also easy to lose customers if a bar starts to feel boring. To combat this, many bars offer entertainment, food and very low prices to attract customers.
Some people are concerned about Barmuda triangles, because they believe the high rates of DUI associated with them are detrimental to the health and safety of the surrounding community. In some regions, people have attempted to reduce the number of liquor licenses allowed in a neighborhood to reduce the number of bars, and other communities have instituted harsh crackdowns on underage drinking, as well as drinking and driving, to encourage customers secure.