A simple loan applies the interest rate on a daily basis, which can result in significant interest paid over a long period of time. Using a simple interest loan calculator can help borrowers compare the interest paid with a standard loan and determine the best option. Short-term simple loans don’t create much difference in interest paid, while commercial mortgages often use the simple interest method. When considering a long-term simple loan, accurately projecting the amount of interest paid is crucial.
Also known as a simple interest loan, a simple loan is a type of loan agreement that applies the interest rate on a daily rather than a monthly basis. While this small difference has a relatively small impact on the amount a borrower pays over the course of a short-term loan, the interest paid on a simple loan over a long period of time can be significant. Many consumers who have the opportunity to choose between a standard loan and a simple loan will benefit from using a simple interest loan calculator to project the total amount of interest that would be paid over the life of the loan, and then compare the interest paid using The standard method. This will make it much easier to determine if the difference is significant and if paying the additional interest is offset by the additional benefits found in the terms and conditions of the loan.
With a simple loan, the daily interest rate is typically determined by dividing the annual rate by 360 or 365, depending on the terms specified in the loan agreement. That rate is applied to the loan balance every day until the loan is paid off in full. This is in contrast to the standard method, which is to divide the annual rate by 12 and then apply that rate to the balance each month. It is not unusual for commercial mortgages to use the simple interest method instead of the standard method.
Simple loans that will be repaid in a short period of time, such as a year or so, generally don’t create much of a difference in interest paid over the life of the loan. Additionally, provisions within a simple loan may discount or override other fees that are assessed on a standard loan. This helps to further offset the difference, allowing loans calculated using this method to remain competitive with loans offered by other financial institutions.
Accurately projecting the amount of interest paid on a single loan becomes much more important when the loan under consideration is for an extended period of time. For example, a consumer considering a 30-year mortgage structured as a simple loan will want to use a simple interest calculator to project the total amount of interest paid using this approach, and then project the amount of interest paid on a loan using the standard approach. Assuming that the other provisions in each loan agreement are similar in terms of fees and charges, the consumer may find that the total interest paid over the life of the simple loan is significantly higher. When this is the case, going with a structured mortgage with a standard rate application may be the best option.
Smart Asset.