The basket setting is a popular prong setting for holding stones in jewelry, allowing light to flow through and around the stone. However, it can collect dirt and is not ideal for brittle stones. Regular inspections and cleanings are recommended, and not all stones are suitable for this type of setting.
A basket setting is a type of prong setting used to hold stones in place. The prong setting is extremely popular for rings, bracelets, necklaces, and brooches, and the basket setting is a particularly common style. This setting is designed to hold a tight stone in place while allowing plenty of light to flow through and around the stone, creating a rich interplay of light and texture. This feature makes it particularly popular with diamond jewelry, as the diamonds benefit from a setting that allows a lot of light through the stone.
When jewelers do a basket setting, they essentially make a miniature metal basket that has been customized to the stone. Two small rings at the bottom of the setting running parallel to the top facet are used to stabilize the stone and provide support for four or six prongs that curve over the top of the stone, holding it firmly in the setting. Light can flow freely through the bottom of the stone and the sides of the stage. In a variation of the basket setting known as the martini setting, there is a small stem that elevates the setting above the rest of the jewelry.
There are some issues with the basket setup. The setting creates a number of nooks and crannies that can collect grease and grime, and it’s also not ideal for brittle stones, as it doesn’t offer much protection against hard knocks and the elements. If the setting is not the perfect size for the stone, it also tends to become loose, which can lead to loss of the stone, and damage to the teeth can also lead to loss.
The stones in the basket setting should be inspected regularly for signs that the setting is weakening, and it’s also a good idea to schedule regular cleanings for frequently used stones. Cleaning in a jewelry store doesn’t take long, and it removes embedded dirt, grease, and other materials that could damage the stone or interfere with the play of light through the setting.
Not all stones can be displayed in a basket setting. Weaker stones like lapis benefit from a bezel setting, which wraps around and protects the stone, while opaque non-faceted stones don’t look any more exciting in a basket setting than they do in a bezel setting, because light doesn’t can pass through stone. A jeweler can examine a stone and determine whether or not it is a candidate for this type of scenario, for people who want to set loose stones or convert existing jewelry.