Beechnuts are small and hard to harvest, but historically used as a food source. They can be eaten out of hand, ground up for bread or desserts. Beech trees are not reliable sources of nuts, but can be grown for ornamental purposes. Beechnuts can be a great snack and are used to supplement livestock diets. Look for plump nuts if purchasing and refrigerate for longest shelf life.
Beechnuts are the kernels of the beech, a tree that can be found in temperate zones in Europe and North America. As for nuts, beechnuts aren’t terribly exciting, as they’re quite small and hard to harvest, but they’ve historically been used as a food source by a number of native peoples. Beechnuts can be eaten out of hand, be ground up and added to bread or included in desserts such as biscuits. It can be difficult to find beechnuts for sale, although in regions where the trees grow you may be able to purchase them from local farmers or sell them yourself.
Two trees of the genus Fagus are the main source of beechnuts. In Europe, F. sylvatica drops its distinctive nuts in the fall, and in North America, people harvest beechnuts from F. grandifolia. Both trees can grow quite tall, with slightly serrated foliage and catkins in spring which later develop into bald cases, each containing two beechnuts. When the cases open, they reveal the roughly pyramidal shells of beechnuts, which can be cracked open to get to the tiny kernels inside.
In many parts of the world, beech trees are planted as ornamental plants. The trees can look very beautiful, especially when they are mature, and their foliage is especially popular. Beech trees are not very reliable sources of nuts; generally it takes a tree about 40 years to produce a regular crop and even then small fluctuations in the environment can lead to a drop in yield. In some parts of the world, beech trees are grown specifically for their nuts, an endeavor which can sometimes be very frustrating.
Beechnuts can make a great snack, especially in regions where the trees grow wild along trails and hiking trails. People who like to gather wild foods can harvest beechnuts as part of a larger meal. Farmers also exploit beechnuts to supplement the diets of their livestock, cracking or grinding the shells so animals can access the nutritious kernels inside. Beans generally contain about 20 percent protein, along with a nutty, rich fat that makes nuts popular with those who can find them.
If you should find beechnuts for sale, look for nuts that don’t shake in their shells, indicating desiccation and dryness. If the nuts have already been shelled, they should be plump, with no signs of wrinkles, discolorations or pits. Keep the beech nuts refrigerated for the longest shelf life, as this will keep the oil inside from turning rancid.