The bend test determines if a metal will crack under pressure. It measures the metal’s ductility, or ability to bend without breaking. Results vary by material group. Bend test machines are used to perform the test. Copper and steel have high ductility and perform well under pressure.
A bend test is used to determine whether a specific piece of metal in question will crack or snap under pressure. This is important in any construction project that uses metal, otherwise the building or object under construction may collapse due to the immense pressure exerted on it. Every piece of metal made cannot be tested, so some pieces are tested and if they pass, the other pieces are made in the same process. The results of a bend test are reported differently depending on the type of material tested. There is no standard method of reporting durability that applies to all materials, rather each group has its own set by which it is judged and compared to other metals in that group.
The bend test is essentially measuring the ductility of a metal. Ductility defines how easily a metal can bend without breaking. The higher the ductility of a metal, the more it can bend without cracking or warping from its original shape. This is important because some metals need to withstand pressure without cracking, but still be ductile enough to bend slightly and not lose their support or shape. Copper and steel are two metals that have high ductility and perform well under pressure.
To perform a bend test, a specific sheet or strip of metal is bent by a predetermined amount, often in the shape of an arc. After the bend has been made, the metal is examined carefully to see if there have been any breaks or cracks in the piece and the testers note whether the metal has broken along or against the grain. Grain is a term used to describe the direction that lines in the metal appear to flow when examined closely. The metal is also checked to see if one side has fractured while the other side has not. Test results are determined by how well the metal held up during the bending test and how much it may have fractured or broken.
Bend test machines are used by companies and are responsible for performing bend test on various metal pieces. The test piece is fed into the machine which then bends the center into a curve or arc specified by the operator. When the process is complete, the machine releases the part and the metal can be removed and examined to determine the results. These machines are available for businesses to purchase from manufacturers and suppliers.