What’s a bike bill of sale?

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A motorcycle bill of sale is a document that transfers ownership of a motorcycle and should include the model, names and addresses of previous and new owners, identification numbers, dates, amount paid, and conditions of sale. It is important to include a bill of sale even when a title is exchanged, especially for classic motorcycles or those with notable history. Changes to the document should be initialed by all parties and witnessed by a notary in some jurisdictions. Examples of blank motorcycle sales invoices can be found online or in industry publications.

A motorcycle bill of sale is a document detailing the transfer of ownership of a motorcycle from one party to another. The details that should be included on the motorcycle bill of sale are the model of the motorcycle, the names and addresses of the previous and new owners, as well as any identification numbers found on the motorcycle. The dates, the amount paid and the conditions of sale must also be represented in the deed of sale of the motorcycle. Appropriate examples of blank motorcycle sales invoice documents can be found on the Internet and in many motorcycle industry publications and magazines.

Many areas require the vehicle title to be exchanged when a motorcycle is sold. It is advisable to include a bill of sale for the motorcycle even when the transaction includes a transfer of ownership. The bill of sale will detail the terms of the sale as well as any special circumstances, such as due parts or mechanical problems that need to be resolved at a later date. This is especially important when it comes to classic motorcycles. Often these classic bikes will not have a title.

When purchasing a motorcycle that is said to have a notable history, such as previous famous ownership, racing history or the like, it is imperative to get this in writing and on the motorcycle bill of sale. In the event that the motorcycle is not as represented by the previous owner, the inclusion of such documentation in the motorcycle deed of sale will be valuable in legal proceedings. Having witness signatures included in the document serves to make it more valuable in this case as well.

When making changes to a motorcycle bill of sale, the changes must be initialed by all parties involved. If you are using multiple copies of a single document, it is advisable to initial all copies and also indicate the changes on all copies. This helps in any future litigation regarding any meaning of an intentional change in the document. It’s also wise to write down the number of each copy, such as “one of three” and “two of three” and so on.

Some jurisdictions may require that the deed of sale be witnessed by a notary. When asked, these offices are easily located and typically charge a nominal fee. In a dispute, a certified copy of a document often carries more weight than an uncertified version.

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