What’s a Bindi?

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The bindi is a forehead mark traditionally worn by Hindu women, but also by women of all religions and nationalities as decoration. It is an important symbolic sign in Hinduism, while men wear similar markings known as tilaks or tikas. The bindi marks the sixth chakra and can be made from ash, colored paste, or decorative jewelry. It is also worn by non-Hindus as a mark of beauty or affiliation with the religion. The term bindi has been corrupted to include different shapes, and it is not uncommon to see it worn by Hindus in countries that protect religious freedom.

A bindi is a forehead mark, traditionally worn by Hindu women, although women of all religions and nationalities wear it as decorations. In the Hindu religion, the bindi is an important symbolic sign and is considered very auspicious. Men may also bear such markings, typically known as tilaks or tikas. There are different variations of the classic bindi worn around the world.

Among Hindus, a tilak is an important religious symbol. It can take the form of a dot, an elongated pear shape, or a series of lines on or around the forehead. These marks can be used to indicate traditional affiliations and are worn on special occasions, special ceremonies, and sometimes even on a daily basis, depending on the individual. Among women, the bindi is worn after marriage and as an additional auspicious sign it can be made further up the forehead, near the hairline.

According to the Hindu religion, the bindi marks the sixth chakra, an important source of power and balance. A sign on the site facilitates the flow of energy and also helps keep demons away. Women can make bindis from ash and colored paste, or they can wear decorative jewelry on the site. Commonly, a bindi takes the form of a red dot, reflecting the origin of the word, bindu in Sanskrit, meaning “drop”.

Even people who are not Hindus may wear a bindi, usually as a purely decorative item or a mark of beauty. Many women in the West like to wear the bindi on festive and formal occasions, usually preferring the jeweled bindi which can be glued onto the forehead. Branding may also be used as a religious symbol among certain minor sects around the world, appearing in a variety of shapes and colors. Many yogis and yoginis in the West also wear bindis to symbolize their affiliation with the Hindu religion, even if they are not practicing Hindus.

There are several names for the sacred mark, including pottu, agna, and teep. A true bindi is supposed to be a circular mark, although the widespread use of the term for different shapes has slightly corrupted its meaning. In countries that protect the religious freedom of their citizens, it is not uncommon to see a bindi on the forehead of a Hindu at work or school, making him more easily identifiable by other Hindu members of the community.

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