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What’s a biretta?


The biretta is a square cap worn by Catholic clergy of various ranks, with the color indicating their position. It evolved from earlier ecclesiastical garb and was originally worn for practical reasons. It is still worn by some members of the Anglican and Episcopal clergy.

A biretta is a square cap with three or four pointed ridges, often adorned with a pompom or tassel at the top center. It is worn as a ceremonial hat by Catholic clergy of many ranks, from cardinal to seminarian. Other Christian denominations have adopted the cap as part of clerical dress, including Anglicans and, more rarely, Lutherans.

In the Catholic Church, the color of the biretta signifies the rank of the wearer. Cardinals wear red birettas, bishops wear purple, and priests, deacons, and seminarians wear black. The red biretta given to cardinals is often called a zucchetto. White is the designated color for the pope, who rarely, if ever, dons this particular type of hat. Clergy may wear the biretta during processions or while seated during mass.

The use of the hat by priests, however, is limited; it can be used while the priest is walking down the aisle, but it is rarely used during mass. Priests traditionally wore the biretta during high masses, more elaborate ceremonies that included singing and the participation of deacons and subdeacons. The Catholic Church no longer classifies Masses as High or Low, defining “Mass” simply as a celebration with the church congregation. Modern Catholics sometimes use the term “mass” to describe special, more solemn occasions.

The biretta similar to the one seen today probably first appeared in the 16th century, gradually evolving from earlier ecclesiastical garb. Centuries ago, the biretta was simply a cap similar to the pileus, a cap worn by Catholic clergy. The pileus itself dates from ancient times. The cap was worn under larger hats for a simple reason: protection from the cold. Given its practical benefit, church employees and secular officials began wearing the biretta early in the 14th and 15th centuries. The hat also found favor in academia, and although it has evolved into the flat hat and other styles, it is still sometimes referred to as a biretta.

In 16th-century Europe, high-ranking members of society wore birettas to show both their status and their right to employ their own armed guards. After the formation of the Church of England, birettas were still worn by members of the clergy in the same way as their estranged Catholic counterparts. In modern times, birettas are still worn by senior members of the Anglican and Episcopal clergy, and even lower-ranking clergy members sometimes wear them as well.

The word biretta is Italian, although it probably evolved from the medieval Latin word “birrettum”. This word literally means hooded cloak. The first part of the word comes from “byrrus”, an earlier Latin word that could have been borrowed from an ancient Celtic language.
