Bit cells are the amount of space used to store a single bit of information on a digital storage medium. They indicate how compressed data can be packed and are important for comparing storage media density. Lower bit cell rates are more efficient and can store more information in the same amount of space. Other factors, such as speed and interface, also affect storage media performance.
A bit cell is the amount of space on a digital storage medium used to house a single bit of information. Bits are the smallest units used by a computer and are written in binary, represented as a “1” or “0”. These cells act as a type of density measurement, indicating how compressed data can be packed on a specific storage medium. Under normal circumstances, all other things being equal, a storage medium with a lower bit cell rate will be more efficient than one that cannot store as many bits in the same area of space.
The concept of bit cells applies to all types of storage media, including electronic and magnetic ones, such as hard disk drives and flash drives. Regardless of the type of storage, the concept itself never changes; always refers to a specific measurable area within which a bit can be stored. For traditional magnetic storage devices, such as hard drives and magnetic tapes, a bit rate is expressed in physical units of space: one bit per millimeter of storage tape or one bit per square millimeter for magnetic storage platters. When considering purely electronic storage devices such as a flash drive, it is expressed in terms of circuits, as the number of bits that can be stored in a single circuit within the device.
Bit cells become important when comparing the density of storage media. In computing, smaller is often better, both from an efficiency and space management standpoint. Storage media that provide higher bit density, in other words, lower bit cell rate, can pack more information into a smaller amount of space.
The benefits of this are simple to understand; a device with half the bit cell capacity of another can store twice as much information using exactly the same amount of space. An example of a preference for storage media with a lower bit cell rating is illustrated by the widespread switch from digital tape reels to hard drives. Since hard drives generally provide a lower bit cell rate, they can more easily fit into home computing cases, providing affordable storage space without taking up an excessive amount of space inside the machine.
While bit cell rating is important, it is not the last word when it comes to storage media performance. Other factors such as the speed of the drive, the method by which it interfaces with the computer, and the type of storage medium combine to determine the overall performance of the hardware. Considering bit cell rating is just one piece of the puzzle to creating efficient, high-performance, and reliable storage devices.