A block grant is a form of government funding where a centralized government allocates funds to a regional government with little or no stipulations on how the money is spent. This allows local legislators to prioritize and determine where the funds are best spent. It is different from categorical grants, which are issued for specific purposes and require matching funds. The federal government assigns oversight teams to ensure appropriate use of funds.
A block grant is the process by which a centralized government allocates funds to a provincial or regional government. This usually occurs from a national level to a state or province, but can also be assigned by state or province to a municipality. A block grant is different from other forms of government payments because there are very little or no stipulations about how the money is spent.
The block grant concept is primarily used by the federal system of government. Citizens of a nation are taxed by the central or state government. This money is collected and dispersed in various regions for use by the local government. It is then up to the local government how to spend the resources. For example, in the UK, Ireland and Wales they oversee funds for the Arts and Humanities Research Council.
Sometimes the federal or central government sets rules about how money can and cannot be spent. For example, in the United States, no federal money issued to states can be used to fund abortion procedures. This is known as the Hyde Amendment.
The benefits of this system is that it allows local legislators to decide which priorities are most important to them. Rather than setting a national agenda that treats all areas of the country equally, different constituencies can determine in which areas the government should play an active role. It also allows those closest to the situations to be able to determine where the funds are best spent. For example, if road repairs are needed in a certain section of the state, the federal government does not have to oversee the project. Instead, the responsibility of a local agency is given.
A block grant is different from a block grant, the other main form of federal government funding programs. Categorical grants are those issued by the government for specific purposes. Typically, these types of funding programs require the state or municipality to produce matching funds for the projects. Examples of projects using flat grants are the Interstate Highway System and the Food Stamp Program in the United States.
To ensure that funds are being used appropriately, the federal government assigns oversight teams to look into how the money is being spent. In the US, this is the General Accounting Office. Opponents of increased block-grant spending often cite this agency’s reports as a way to push for reform of the funding system.