Body composition scales offer more information than traditional scales, measuring body fat through bioelectrical impedance analysis. They provide more accurate health information than BMI charts, but require consistency and hydration for accurate readings. They cost around $100 USD.
While most scales simply measure weight, a body composition scale offers much more information. The thing is, many people look at the charts for their BMI and may feel a little dissatisfied. However, these charts are made for a specific body and may not apply to everyone. A body composition scale may offer a better way to determine how much body fat you have.
The purpose of the body composition scale is to give individuals a better idea of their overall health than their BMI could offer. Body Mass Index is calculated simply based on your weight and height. This may be fine for some, but what about those who are more muscular? What about those that have other physical characteristics, like bigger bones? Calculating total body fat is a better way to determine overall health.
The Body Composition Scale does this using a bioelectrical impedance analysis. An electric current is sent through the body and resistance is measured. During this process, the user will hear nothing. The scale is programmed to understand a few things about fat and muscle. For example, it is easier for the current to pass through the muscles. Thus, it can provide an accurate measurement of body fat by measuring the amount of resistance offered.
Most body composition scales also offer some recommendations, such as the number of calories you need to consume each day to maintain weight, your target weight, and your target body fat percentage. This information is much more helpful than just having a target weight to reach. In some cases, some may find that they may not need to lose as much as their BMI would suggest. Also, for some, losing that much would put them at risk of being underweight.
There are a number of things to keep in mind when looking to buy or use a body composition scale. First, you must be fully hydrated to get an accurate reading. Second, using the scale immediately after eating or resting can drastically affect your results. Third, the body composition scale costs significantly more than a regular scale, averaging about $100 US Dollars (USD). While you can get them cheaper, choosing a lower-end model may not give you as accurate readings.
If you use a body composition scale, the key is to do it consistently no matter how many times a week you check it. Finding a certain point of the day in your routine to step on the scale is key. This should be three hours after eating or resting, and probably at least a couple hours after exercising to give you time to rehydrate.