Buuz is a Mongolian steamed dumpling filled with minced mutton, garlic, onion, and salt, and traditionally eaten during Tsagaan Sar. The dough is made from flour and water, rolled into circles, and formed into round, folded, or semicircle shapes. Khuushuur is a similar fried dumpling, and equivalents can be found in other countries.
Buuz is a Mongolian steamed dumpling. It is usually filled with minced mutton, although meat is also a common ingredient. Some recipes also include rice, potatoes or cabbage. Typical seasonings include sprouted fennel seeds, garlic, onion, and salt. Buuz is traditionally eaten to celebrate the Mongolian New Year, known as Tsagaan Sar.
Preparing the filling is the first step in preparing the buuz. First, the meat is minced and mixed with garlic and onion. Then water is added to the mixture until it is smooth and easy to manipulate. The last step is to add spices, which can include different types of herbs in addition to the traditional salt and fennel seeds.
Buuz dough is made from flour and water. The ingredients are mixed together until a workable dough is formed, then left to rest for a few minutes. Then the dough is rolled into wide slices, which are cut into the pieces that will form the outside of each dumpling. These are flattened in preparation for filling.
Gnocchi assembly is the most challenging aspect of preparing buuz. The skill with which they are made can be a matter of great pride among the Mongols. An experienced cook will be able to prepare several dumplings quickly and with little thought.
The pieces of dough are first rolled into circles. The edges are thinner than the center, so they’re strong enough to hold the filling, but easier to press the edges together. Once the dough is rolled, the dumplings need to be made as quickly as possible, as the dough will be harder to work with when it starts to dry.
Buuz dumplings are usually formed into one of three traditional shapes: round, folded, or semicircle. Round dumplings are the most popular; they are made by pinching a small set of folds in a circle around the filling and then twisting at the top. The fold method is simpler, requiring only four pinches along the edges to form the dumpling. Semi-circular dumplings are less popular, but can also be made quicker, requiring only a fold and a series of pinches along the open edges. In all cases, a hole is left open in the patty to allow for maximum efficiency when steaming.
A similar type of Mongolian dumpling is khuushuur. The main difference between the two is that khuushuur is fried. Buuz also has an opening at the top, rather than being closed shut. Similar equivalents in other countries include Polish pierogi, Tibetan and Nepalese momo, and Chinese gyoza.