What’s a CB handle?

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CB identifiers are unique nicknames used by radio enthusiasts on citizen band channels. They can reveal personal interests or occupations and are regulated by the FCC to discourage obscene names. CB identifiers replaced assigned call letters when unlicensed citizens were allowed to use CB radio channels.

A CB identifier is a short but memorable nickname used by a radio enthusiast from a citizen’s band during a broadcast. A typical ident might be “Lucky Dave” or “Big Red” or even something less likely to be copied, like “Skinky Do-Rag” or “Mister Dodo Head.” The point is to create a unique identity while communicating with others on a CB radio channel. In a sense, this nickname is the precursor to avatars and nicknames often created for anonymity while participating in web chats or online forums.

Sometimes a CB identifier reveals something about the user’s occupation, such as “Mama Flapjacks” or “Gas Hog.” This shorthand could be very useful to other CBers looking for a good restaurant or gas station nearby. Other regular CB users may have darker handles, like an explosives carrier who calls himself “Nervous Charlie” or a school bus driver who calls himself “Mama Hen.” A good nickname often lets others know something interesting about the user.

Another typical identifier might describe a hobby or personal interest. CB radio listeners might discover “Quilting Bee” or “Old Fisherman” chatting on the airwaves, for example. A football fan might use “Pigskin Pete,” or a baseball fan might use “Hammering Tony.” When it comes to selecting a badge based on personal interest, the trick is to keep it short, memorable, and as unique as possible. Because the frequencies allocated for citizen band radio use are regulated, by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) in the United States, obscene or offensive names are generally discouraged.

Originally, CB radio users in the United States had to apply for a license and use a series of assigned call letters as personal identifiers. When the FCC allowed 23 channels (later increased to 40) to be used by unlicensed citizens, the call letter system gave way to the more informal use of a unique CB identifier. During the 1970s, the use of CB radio became extremely popular in the United States, and certain nicknames and the personalities behind them became infamous. CB slang also became a popular form of communication among insiders.

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