Checkweighers ensure consistency and quality control by checking the weight of finished packaged products. They can be integrated with other quality control functions and need to be recalibrated periodically. Speed checkweighers can handle hundreds of items per minute and keep a log of production.
A checkweigher is a device designed for the purpose of checking the weight of finished packaged products. These devices are part of the quality control system used to ensure that products coming off an assembly line are consistent. Consistency is key to the business, ensuring it runs efficiently and to customers, who rely on the consistency of the products they buy. Checking weights, in particular, is important because if weight is underweight, it can cause problems for the consumer, and selling products with the wrong weight can expose a business to fines and other penalties.
Several different checkweigher designs are in use. Some are built directly into the production line, while others are designed to be moved into position as needed. Many are automated, allowing products to automatically move through scales and take any necessary actions, like pulling something off the line because it fails to weigh properly, with automated devices. For example, a checkweigher might use an air blast or hydraulic arm to push packs off the belt if they are too light or too heavy.
It is also possible to integrate other quality control functions into a checkweigher. For example, the device can x-ray products moving through the conveyor or use a magnet to identify ferrous materials in products. Packages that fail these tests may also be pushed aside by the machine for disposal or manual inspection. These safety measures are especially important with packaged foods, ensuring that obvious health risks are not accidentally packaged into products sold to the public.
Like other scales, a checkweigher needs to be recalibrated periodically. These devices also tend to have an averaging system that is designed to compensate for motion and other environmental factors that could cause the weight of an item on the scale to fluctuate. Instead of taking one reading and reporting it, in other words, the checkweigher takes several readings and averages the readings to determine the package weight. It may be necessary to periodically check this system to confirm that it is functioning properly.
Speed checkweighers can handle hundreds of items per minute. Other devices may be slower. In many cases, a computer keeps a log of what happens during the day. This is designed for people to check things like packaging line efficiency and generate a list of how many products have made it through production. If a checkweigher begins rejecting a large number of packages, it can indicate that there is a problem with production or with the checkweigher.