The civil calendar is a standardized system used by public officials and citizens, with the Gregorian calendar being the most common. It includes state holidays and is based on the Earth’s transit around the sun. Other regions have alternative calendars based on religious or civic systems. The civil calendar allows for recording major events, setting actions on specific days, regulating seasonal preparation, and coordinating travel and commerce.
A civil calendar is a calendar generally used by public officials and private citizens. In most of the modern world, the civil calendar used is the Gregorian calendar system, created in 1582 by Pope Gregory XIII. Many regions also have alternative calendars that mark the cycles of religious events. Typically, a civil calendar includes only state or national holidays and is largely non-secular so as to allow for religious plurality.
Calendars are created primarily to regulate routine and behavior and standardize time counting. The common civil calendar is based on the time it takes Earth to make one complete transit of the sun, which takes about 365.24 days. This cycle is divided into twelve months which consist of 28-31 days. The months are further divided into roughly four-week segments, with each week containing seven days. To balance the extra 24 days of each transit, the civil calendar adds an extra day to February once every four years.
While the Gregorian calendar is the international standard in most of the modern world, this was not always the case. Before the era of easy transportation, most regions had their own calendars based on religious or civic systems. In the ancient Roman Empire, most provinces operated according to the Julian calendar, created by Julius Caesar. India and other Hindu regions used calendars created before the common era, although they have undergone several adaptations over the years. The Mayan calendar was devised around the 6th century BC and is notable for its highly complex and advanced development methods.
There are several important reasons for a civil calendar, each with a particular meaning. A common calendar allows for the recording of major civic events and the ability to set certain actions on specific days of the year. Also, the calendar works in accordance with the planet’s transit around the sun, allowing for a general understanding of which seasons fall into which months. As scientific understanding has increased, calendars have typically become more accurate, which helps regulate seasonal preparation and agricultural activity.
A civil calendar will generally include important civic events, such as public holidays, which can vary from region to region. Additionally, specific days can be set that govern government-related business or accounting behavior; in the United States, for example, April 15 is the day government tax forms are due each year. By maintaining a civil calendar commonly used around the world, governments and citizens are able to coordinate travel, business and commerce with relative ease.