Coffee grinders come in two types: standard blade grinders and burr grinders. Burr grinders are more expensive but produce a more consistent grind, while blade grinders can burn the beans and produce an inconsistent grind. Conical burr grinders are preferred by coffee aficionados but are more expensive. Prices range from $30-80 for blade grinders and $100-200+ for burr grinders.
The standard coffee grinder, the ones bought inexpensively for around $10-30 US Dollars (USD), uses metal blades to grind the coffee beans. The blades are centered under the beans and look similar to the blades on a blender. Theoretically, a really powerful blender could do the same job as a coffee grinder, but that would be a much more complicated process.
An alternative to the standard and less expensive coffee grinder is the coffee grinder. This one looks very different and functions in a different way than the aforementioned “blender type” grinder. People may prefer them, because it’s easier to adjust the specific type of coffee you want thanks to their grind method.
The bur grinder uses a moving wheel in addition to the blades (in some models). The tension of this sharp wheel that grinds the grains to a flat surface helps get the job done, but the speed of the grinder often makes the process a little more complicated. Most of these grinders come with an adjustable wheel, which helps you fine-tune the grind, and the wheel can be set in different positions (upper or lower) that determine the coarse or fine quality of the ground beans. With cheaper grinders, it’s more obvious to determine if the grind will match what you want, and the size of the final grind depends on how long you allow the bean grind.
Grinder styles usually have a lower cup or holding vessel into which the ground coffee is released, so that when the coffee gets to the desired grind, it leaves the grind area and descends into this holding area. Coffee grinders can usually grind multiple beans at a time — a standard coffee grinder might hold about 4 ounces (113.4 grams) of beans, but the burr grinder can hold up to 8 ounces (226.8 grams. Commercial varieties like the ones you see in grocery stores where you can grind your coffee will hold even more.
The burrs are essentially rings that fit between or around the coffee blade wheel. Some machines come with two sets, where one burr spins and the other stays put. Many prefer conical grinders, which tend to be significantly more expensive, because they have cone-shaped edges on the rings which produce a more consistent grind. These also grind more slowly, eliminating any chance of burning the beans through the heat produced by the grinder.
This is the main contention among those who prefer grinders; the burrs help reduce the heat from the blades which can burn the coffee and cause an inconsistent grind. For coffee aficionados, an inconsistent grind means less flavorful coffee that can taste more bitter. The true coffee fans among us usually choose a conical grinder type over the flat grinder, although the added expense can be significant.
You can expect to pay anywhere from $30-80 USD for a flat grinder. Most cone grinders cost at least $100 USD, but many cost over $200 USD. You can find these grinders in the home departments, at stores like Target, from various Internet providers, and often in coffee shops.