Colles fracture is a common wrist fracture caused by a fall, with pain, swelling, and misalignment of the wrist. It is treated with immobilization, pain relief, and possibly surgery or physical therapy for recovery.
Colles fracture is a break at the lower base of the radius bone. It is a common type of wrist fracture that usually occurs when a person is trying to recover during a fall. Young children and older people with osteoporosis are at the greatest risk of suffering Colles fractures, although anyone can experience a break with a serious injury. A Colles fracture usually causes severe pain and swelling, and the wrist can be noticeably out of alignment. It’s important to get immediate professional treatment for a wrist fracture to prevent further damage and ensure the bone heals properly.
Colles’ fracture, named after the first surgeon to describe the condition, is also known as a distal radius fracture due to the location where the break occurs. The radius is the main bone in the forearm that runs parallel to the ulna. Its distal end fits into a notch at the wrist joint. The bone fractures when excessive force is applied to a fully extended arm with the palm facing up.
Localized pain and swelling immediately accompany a Colles fracture. The pulse tends to become very weak and it is usually impossible to grasp or lift an object. In severe ruptures, a bump may be seen above the wrist where the radius separates from the joint. Following an injury, the wrist must be immobilized by wrapping or splinting it until medical assistance can be sought. It’s important to keep the joint elevated and ice cold on your way to the emergency room to relieve pain and swelling.
In the emergency room, a doctor can give pain relievers, examine your wrist, and try to put your Colles fracture back into place. Your doctor can take x-rays to visualize the extent and precise location of the fracture and check for signs of nerve compression or ligament injury. Depending on the severity of the break, your doctor may place your hand in a soft splint or hard cast to keep it immobilized. The casts are usually worn for at least a month to give the beam time to repair itself. A follow-up exam may determine the need for surgery, physical therapy, or preventative care.
After a cast comes off, the wrist usually feels weak and maybe still sore. A doctor can help his or her patient identify low-impact exercises to regain strength and flexibility. Patients are generally encouraged to wear wrist braces when engaging in physical activity. With effective treatment and regular checkups, an individual can usually regain full use of their wrist.