Compositing programs use green or blue screens to add special effects to footage. They are commonly used in TV shows and news broadcasts. Rotoscoping tools seamlessly transplant characters or objects into different settings. Good compositing requires expert color control.
A compositing program is a video editing program that works with green or blue screens, or raw film, to add special effects to your footage. While commonly seen in movies to create dazzling effects, dial programs are more often used in TV shows and news and weather broadcasts. By replacing each color pixel of the green or blue screen with another image, it appears to the audience that a weather broadcaster is in front of a weather map, when in reality they are against a white background. Rotoscoping tools, which take a character or object from one scene and seamlessly transplant it into another setting, are often found in a compositor.
Whether someone is watching a movie, a TV show, or a news or weather broadcast, there will likely be some cases of compositing going on. The main principle of compositing is to take two or more image sources and combine them. In the most primitive sense, this is done by shooting actors or actresses against a green or blue screen. Composer software figures out that the green or blue screen has an undesirable color, so it blocks all pixels of that color and transplants another image in its place. One problem with using this screen is that, if someone is wearing clothing in that shade of blue or green, the program will also transplant the background onto the actor or actress.
The special effects created by a composer can be dazzling or banal. For the mundane aspect, a weatherman will appear in front of a weather map or an actor or actress will appear as if they are in a different setting. Dazzling effects can be achieved by filming the tops of buildings, filming someone jumping from building-like fixtures in a green or blue screen environment, then combining the two to create a believable scene. Most compositors also generate special effects, such as balls of light with light curving around surfaces, and offer artists the ability to transfer graphics or animation into video media.
Sophisticated rotoscoping, especially with modern typesetting programs, is a simple feat. When someone rotoscopes, they add one section of live film onto another, such as by taking a shot of a character and transplanting it onto background footage or footage of other characters. The user simply selects an area, without the need for a green or blue screen, inserts the secondary movie and the rotoscope is complete.
What separates a good compositing job from a poor one is the control of color. Rotoscoping and special effects can be done well, but if the color is off, the audience will see through the effect. This means that users of the program must have an expert perception of color and know how to change the saturation and hue of colors until they look authentic.