What’s a Condensing Unit?

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Condensing units are heat exchangers that condense gases into liquids through cooling. They are used in refrigerators, air conditioners, chemical reactions, and power plants. Surface condensers are commonly used in steam power plants to increase efficiency by recycling steam. Air conditioner condensing units have three essential components: condenser, compressor, and blower/fan. Laboratory and chemical condensers consist of a large glass tube through which water flows. Direct contact condensers combine identical substances in different forms.

A condensing unit is a device which is used to condense a gaseous substance into its liquid form through cooling. A condensing unit is technically a type of heat exchanger and its size varies from an extremely small device up to large industrial sized units. Condensing units are also incredibly varied in applications, with uses such as cooling in refrigerators, air conditioners, chemical reactions, and especially power plants with steam turbines. Water is typically used as a coolant in the condensing process, but other forms of coolants have also been employed with success.

A surface condenser is a type of condensing unit often found in steam power plants. A typical steam cycle involves preheating water to boiling point, at which point it is vaporized, or superheated, into high pressure steam. This steam is sent to a series of turbines, where after going through multiple cycles, it is condensed back into water. The condensing process is an extremely important part of the steam cycle because it allows a steam plant to recycle steam that would otherwise have been wasted. For this reason, condensers help increase efficiency in steam power plants by reducing water demand.

Typically, surface condensers consist of a shell and tube structure. This is where cold water flows through a series of pipes inside a metal shell filled with spent steam. The cold water brings the pipes to a relatively low temperature, which then cools the steam inside the shell. After the steam has condensed, the water is collected below the unit in a hot well. In smaller steam applications, the condensing unit can take a shape similar to a car radiator.

Another common type of condensing unit is an air conditioner condensing unit. This is only part of the three essential components of an air conditioner. First, a condensing unit condenses the refrigerant vapor into a liquid form. Secondly, just like a pump, a compressor creates a constant flow of liquid refrigerant, where it moves to the third stage. This third stage consists of a blower or fan, which blows cold air created by the cooling effect of the flowing coolant.

Condensing units are also commonly used in chemical applications. A laboratory condensing unit, however, is very different from what you would see in a steam power plant or air conditioner. Unlike common heat exchangers, laboratory and chemical condensers consist of a large glass tube through which water flows. In the middle of this larger tube is another smaller tube, into which hot steam enters. Upon entry, the cooling effect of the surrounding water brings the steam to a temperature at which it can condense.

A common use for laboratory condensers is the distillation of water. Water contains many impurities which are unwanted in heating and chemical processes. If heated enough to evaporate the water, small impure deposits may remain. In steam power plants, this is highly undesirable, as these deposits can lead to corrosion. In chemical applications, even the presence of impurities can cause an unwanted chemical reaction.
Another type of condensing unit is known as a direct contact condenser. In this type, the gas and coolant come into direct contact. When used, the liquid and gas that are combined are identical substances in different forms, such as the combination of water and steam.

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