Consecutive sentences are served independently of any other sentences, while concurrent sentencing allows inmates to serve multiple sentences at the same time. Consecutive sentences are usually for serious crimes and can be given when a case involves multiple counts. Inmates serving consecutive sentences face a longer stay in prison, and judges may request no possibility of parole. Consecutive sentencing sends a clear message to society about the severity of the crime. Inmates have the right to appeal and can pursue compassionate release or a pardon from a government leader.
A consecutive sentence is a prison sentence that must be served independently of any other sentences; a convict with two consecutive sentences, for example, must serve one and then the other. This contrasts with concurrent sentencing, which allows inmates to serve multiple sentences at the same time and get out earlier. Consecutive sentences are usually seen in very serious crimes where a judge wants to ensure that an inmate remains behind bars for an extended period of time by serving each sentence himself.
Consecutive sentence becomes an option when a case involves multiple counts; a defendant could be charged with rape, battery, robbery and murder, for example. The jury can decide to convict or acquit separately for each charge, and each conviction carries a separate sentence. If an inmate ends up with three sentences, one of 10 years, another of seven and another of three, the judge can decide whether they should be served consecutively or concurrently.
In this example, the inmate serving consecutive sentences faces 20 years in prison. With concurrent sentences, the maximum length of stay in prison is that of the longest sentence, in this case 10 years. If inmates are serving consecutive or concurrent sentences, they are usually eligible for probation based on good behavior and are allowed out earlier than expected. A judge may specifically request no possibility of parole, or issue a sentence such as three consecutive life sentences, effectively guaranteeing that the prisoner will remain in prison for life.
In cases involving multiple crimes, especially violent crimes or those that are particularly offensive to society, a consecutive judgment sends a clear message. The convict will receive a punishment that society may deem appropriate to the crime, while people who consider similar crimes may change their minds, determining that the risk is too high. Inmates facing a consecutive sentence know that even if they get time off for good behavior, they can still face a long stay in prison.
After inmates go to jail, they have the right to appeal if they feel the cases have not been heard fairly or appropriately. In addition to seeking probation for good behavior, inmates can also pursue compassionate release if they become seriously ill while in custody. Family members can also lobby for a pardon from a government leader, asking a party such as a state governor to grant a pardon and allow the prisoner to get an early release from a consecutive sentence.