The copyright page in a book includes details about the publisher, publication date, copyright information, and edition. It may also include information about how the book’s contents can be used and disclaimers. Promotional material may precede the copyright page.
A copyright page is a page near the front of a book that includes various information, including details about the book’s publisher, date of publication, where the book was printed, and copyright information that is intended to protect the intellectual property held within the book. If the book has gone into a second edition or higher, this page will also include information about the current edition and previous editions. For this reason, the page is sometimes referred to as the edition page. A book’s copyright page is usually printed on the first one to five sheets within the book.
It is common for a copyright page to include information about how the contents of a book can and cannot be used by readers. In some cases, publishers will include a sentence or two indicating that brief quotations from the book are permitted. This is particularly useful if quotes from the book are likely to be useful to book reviewers or those writing academic papers referencing the book. This statement may also indicate that the book may not be reproduced or stored in an electronic retrieval system. While the legal statements on a copyright page are often quite brief, they are intended to give a very clear and definite picture of the ways in which the material within the text can and cannot be used.
If a book requires a disclaimer, it can also appear on the copyright page. If, for example, there is a possibility that one of the characters in a novel could be read as a representation of a real person, this disclosure might be required to protect the publisher and author from certain types of legal intrigue. Some publishers always include this information on their standard copyright pages. Books that cite other sources at length may include such information on their copyright pages. This usually acknowledges the use and identifies that permission has been granted to cite the source.
The information preceding a copyright page may include promotional material for the book. This type of material may include quotes from favorable book reviews or particularly interesting passages that appear later in the text. Title pages can also precede copyright pages. In many cases, the copyright page is on the left side when the book is opened to that page. This page may contain a page that includes a dedication, table of contents, or similar introductory information.