What’s a Corp. Architect?

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A business architect is responsible for implementing successful strategies in an organization. They work with employees and managers to understand the company culture and identify areas of improvement. The architect must be innovative and able to create harmony in the office environment. They work in relatively new firms, joint ventures, newly merged firms, firms undertaking radical projects, and spin-out companies.

A business architect is responsible for implementing successful strategies at an organization or business. This type of architect doesn’t work with literal blueprints and floor plans or in an architectural firm. Instead, the enterprise architect is a modern architect who must be able to envision different elements of a business and make them all work together in a cohesive way. He must also be able to think in terms of the future and work out the direction in which the company is heading.

Corporate architects may work as full-time employees or contractors. Most organizations need an ongoing business architect or project architect. The architect identifies, plans and acts on the strategies that will be most beneficial to the organization. Areas of improvement that the enterprise architect typically touches on include organizational health, structural issues, unrealized opportunities, and a competitive marketplace. Enterprise architects work with companies that have conflicting economic and political concerns and seek to flesh out these issues with unified solutions so that employees can perform at a higher level.

Corporate architects work closely with employees and managers to first understand the culture of the company. In addition, external personnel are often consulted, including suppliers, consultants, research and strategy groups, and experts. The corporate architect is always responsible for keeping the leaders and managers of the company aware of the changes he is planning to implement.

Within an organization, the enterprise architect acts as an intermediary between employees of specific departments and the strategy team. The architect should pay attention to the changes desired by the employees and discuss them with the strategy team to determine their plausibility. New ideas for running the business can come from any employee, and the architect should listen carefully to these suggestions and explore the possibility of their implementation together with the strategy team.

When companies rely on business architects, communication at all levels improves. The engagement and response of different members of the company leads to a higher level of activity, making both employees and supervisors happy. However, a career as a corporate architect requires a great deal of research. When suggestions are made, it is up to the architect to determine whether they might actually work. Business architects are also responsible for preparing and presenting business plans on various topics, such as approval, financing, development, and resource management.

A successful business architect must be innovative and not worry about making discoveries by trial and error. He should also be a sociable person and something of a natural peacemaker, as a primary function is to create harmony in the office environment. Enterprise architects generally work in relatively new firms, but are also found in joint ventures, newly merged firms, firms undertaking radical projects, and spin-out companies.

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