A cosigner is someone who legally signs loan documents with another person who is having difficulty obtaining a loan or lease. The cosigner is jointly responsible for repaying the loan if the first signer fails to pay. It is important to consider the person’s ability to repay and past credit history before agreeing to cosign.
A cosigner is a person who can legally sign documents or loan documentation with another person who is having difficulty obtaining a loan or sometimes obtaining a lease for an apartment or rental unit. As a cosigner, the person enters into a legal agreement to be jointly responsible for repaying the loan in the event the first signer fails to pay the debts in a timely manner. This is extremely important for anyone signing the documents to understand. They risk their credit and their own financial status if the person who asked them to sign fails to meet their financial obligations. Also, sometimes when you apply for a loan, it can affect your ability to get loans for yourself, since the rest of the unpaid debt can be considered “bad credit.”
With this proviso, it is important to say that there are many times if you have impeccable credit, when signing a loan could help someone else. Parents or close family members may especially receive requests to be a co-signer for children in a family with poor credit or no established credit history. As long as you feel absolutely confident that the person will be able to pay off their debt without damaging your credit, or that you can pay off the debt financially if the other person defaults, it can be a useful gesture to launch someone’s credit history, help someone get loans older students, buy your first car or buy a house.
If you are asked to be a cosigner on a loan, then you should probably ask a few questions. First, you must determine a person’s ability to repay the debt he plans to incur, unless he intends to repay it to begin with. Second, you should ask what backup plans are in place if the person is suddenly unable to make the payments. Perhaps before signing, the person should set aside some money in an account to cover lean times, or things like job loss. Another thing to check is that the person will notify you if he is going to be late on payments. Late payments can negatively affect your credit if you’re a cosigner, and if someone doesn’t tell you they’re late, they may not know your credit score is being affected.
Financial experts also advise that you consider the past history of the person asking you to be a cosigner. If you are filing because the person has bad credit, you may need to know what circumstances caused the bad credit history and consider the likelihood that these circumstances will recur in the future. They may not be. Bad credit, like bankruptcy, can stay on credit reports for ten years under current US law. Bankruptcy in the past due to extraordinary circumstances may not mean that the person will not be able to repay their loans now or in the future.
Other definition of cosigner is any person who jointly applies for a loan to be used by two or more people. A husband and wife can sign a loan together, both accept financial responsibility for a loan, or two partners in a business can do the same. It is important to discuss in advance how payments should be made, especially when they do not come from a single source (such as a married couple’s bank account), so that each person maintains or improves their credit rating rather than damaging it.
Smart Asset.