A CPU board connects to a backplane circuit board, allowing for easy upgrades and downgrades. It is more difficult to maintain but popular among computer enthusiasts. Normal CPUs are installed on the motherboard and cannot be easily upgraded or downgraded. The CPU board market caters mostly to computer enthusiasts and companies looking to increase computer power.
A central processing unit (CPU) board is a printed circuit board (PCB) that contains a CPU unit. Unlike a regular CPU, which connects through the computer’s motherboard, a CPU board connects to a backplane circuit board. This type of CPU is slightly more difficult to maintain, but offers the advantage of being easily upgradeable or downgradable, depending on user needs and preferences. These cards are made more for computer enthusiasts than ordinary computer users and allow users to swap CPUs faster than with a regular CPU.
Normal CPUs are shaped like a square chip or small board. To install the CPU, the user opens the computer and drops the CPU into the designated spot on the motherboard. The CPU isn’t made to move much, if at all, and can’t be upgraded or downgraded easily. This type of CPU is found in most computers and requires little maintenance.
A CPU card performs all the same functions as a regular CPU, handling all processes, but the difference is in the installation method and continued CPU usage. Unlike normal CPU, a CPU board is installed through a backplane. A backplane is like a second motherboard, but it’s meant for extra components rather than all the necessary components soldered onto the motherboard. Installing it on the backplane allows you to quickly remove and reinstall a CPU board.
Some CPU cards can be installed on the motherboard, but this is rare. One reason is that CPU boards are shaped differently and do not fit most motherboards. The other reason is, if the card is plugged into the motherboard, it would be like having a regular CPU without the added benefit of easier upgrades.
The board itself contains the CPU unit and other hardware components. Experienced users can change the components on the board, but this is very difficult and requires the board to be changed completely to use the new components. More often than not, an upgrade means that the user removes the card and inserts a new one. CPU boards tend to be more susceptible to dust, because they’re moved around more often and are slightly more likely to burn out, but this is negligible.
The CPU Board market consists of two main audience segments. The common computer user is not interested in changing their CPU or maximizing the efficiency of a computer to such a level, so the CPU board market caters mostly to computer enthusiasts. A secondary customer for the cards would be companies looking to increase the power of their computers.