CVV codes are short numeric codes found on credit or debit cards to increase security in electronic transactions. They confirm physical access to the card and reduce fraudulent purchases, but may deter legitimate customers. However, they are not foolproof, and monitoring accounts is the best way to prevent fraud.
Card Verification Value (CVV) code is a short numeric code that appears on credit or debit cards that can be charged as credit. Added to credit cards to increase the security of electronic credit card transactions. Also called CVV2 or card verification code (CVC), it is a code that is generally used to protect credit card transactions made online. Typically three or four digits long, the CVV code is typically found in the signature box on the back of most credit card brands, such as Visa and MasterCard. Instead of on the back, American Express prints its CVV code numbers, called cardholder identification (CID) codes, on the front of its credit cards.
A verification code works by helping to confirm that the customer has physical access to the credit card being used. This system is used to reduce fraudulent purchases made with stolen or electronically replicated credit card numbers. If an online merchant requires a CVV code for credit card purchases, a consumer cannot make a purchase without access to the printed code, even if they have the full card number and expiration date. One drawback to requiring a CVV code is that it may deter legitimate customers who do business with credit cards without the actual card in hand or those who prefer not to enter their CVV codes online.
The CVV code is an added security measure on top of other standard security measures, such as requiring an expiration date and billing zip code to match the card number. One advantage of the code is that it is printed flat, not raised like a credit card number on a card. Because it is printed without a texture, the card verification code will not appear on any print taken from the card. Credit cards used to be charged by carbon imprinting the card on a specially designed credit card purchase form.
Although the added protection provided by CVV codes can help protect consumers from credit card theft online, it is not a foolproof method of preventing fraud. Credit card thieves can lift your credit card verification codes with just seconds of access. The best way to keep a credit card account protected from fraudulent purchases is to keep tabs on the account so that incorrect transactions are reported as quickly as possible. To further protect consumers from fraud, credit card companies sometimes block suspicious consumer purchases, including those that are unusually large or made in an unusual location.
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