What’s a Dedicated Server?

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A dedicated server is a single web server for one customer, usually a large company. It offers customization, faster data access, and better traffic management. It also allows for easy creation of multiple domains and provides stability and enhanced security.

A dedicated server is a single web server within a computer network, dedicated solely to one customer, most often a large company.

This type of server better suits the needs of a large company for several reasons. Customer can customize hardware configuration and software to meet exact needs. Data access is faster and high traffic is easily managed.

Dedicated servers normally come with good customer service from the web hosting company. The host will work with the client to make sure the server meets all the client’s needs.

Another benefit of a dedicated server is that the client can easily create different domains on that server. In the case of a company that has multiple divisions or a chain of retail outlets, this becomes much more convenient and efficient than each individual division or outlet renting out hosting space on a different web server.

For example, suppose “wiseGEEK Motorcycles Inc.” operates a chain of dealerships. Each dealership might have an individual website under the umbrella of the parent company, all located on the same dedicated server. The sites might look like this:

www.wiseGEEKmotorcycles.com (The parent company)

www.wiseGEEKsaleschicago.com (The Retail Dealership in Chicago)

www.wiseGEEKsaleslosangeles.com (The Retail Dealership in Los Angeles)

www.wiseGEEKsalesmanhattan.com (The retail dealership in Manhattan, etc.)

The advantage of having all sites located on the same dedicated server, is that the point of sale software would be personalized and uniform. In other words, the Chicago dealership would learn and use the same online tools as the Los Angeles dealership. This greatly simplifies administration and support, making wiseGEEK Motorcycles’ online component very streamlined and cost-effective. This advantage becomes exponential when you consider that different divisions of the same company can reside on the same dedicated server.
In case a company wants a dedicated server for the benefits of fast access, customer service and customization, but doesn’t require all the physical space, they can become a web host and sub-lease that extra space to others to create their own websites and domains.
Another added benefit of a dedicated server is stability. In running this type of server you have a lot of control over what can happen on that server. What scripts can run, what types of online activity can occur, etc. Conversely, when you’re one of many businesses on a shared server, your “uptime” can be impacted by activities beyond your control. The ability to enhance security is also a boon to any business that resides on such a server.

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