What’s a deportation order?

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A deportation order expels non-citizens from a country, often issued against immigrants convicted of a crime or for political reasons. It can be issued by a judge or immigration officials, and can be challenged under certain circumstances. Illegal immigrants have limited rights and should seek legal counsel.

In its broadest modern sense, a deportation order is issued by an official, often a judge, against a non-citizen, ordering that person to be expelled from the country. A deportation order is usually issued against an immigrant convicted of a crime, including illegal entry into the country or overstaying a visa. Deportation orders have also been used to further political agendas by expelling politically undesirable foreigners, singly or in groups.

A deportation order often follows the conviction of a foreigner, legal or otherwise, of a crime, on the grounds that he is no longer fit to live in the country. It can be issued by the judge in the case, or it can be issued by immigration officials monitoring the case. In both cases, it provides for the expulsion of the convicted foreigner from the country, if necessary by force, usually with no possibility of return in the future.

Legal action is not always required for a deportation order to be issued. Government officials commonly order deportations under certain circumstances, such as when people have entered the country illegally or overstayed their visas. Mass deportations are also quite common and are generally ordered by the executive authority in a country, not the judiciary.

Deportation has an unsavory place in world history because of the ways it has been abused. The deportation of individual foreigners convicted of serious crimes is a reasonable exercise of sovereign power. Less reasonable, however, are the countless cases of deportation of individuals or groups for political, cultural or economic reasons. Such deportations have often not been limited to non-citizens. When England had colonies, for example, it was in the habit of establishing penal colonies, such as Australia and the US state of Georgia, and sending convicted criminals to those colonies. England also frequently expelled religious undesirables in the American colonies until about 1730, and the Soviet Union deported entire populations for trumped-up reasons.

In many cases, illegal immigrants are not afforded the same rights available to citizens or legal residents of the country, making it difficult to challenge a deportation order. In the United States, a deportation order is a serious event, but it can be legally fought under certain circumstances, especially if the immigrant is in the country legally and has not committed a serious crime. Immigrants who find themselves in such a position should seek legal counsel immediately. Furthermore, there are groups and associations that provide assistance to those who risk expulsion.

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