What’s a Depth Perception Test?

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A depth perception test measures an individual’s ability to estimate distance to a viewed object, which requires both eyes to work in tandem. Stereopsis, the process of seeing two slightly different views of the same object, is necessary for depth perception. The test removes visual cues to measure brain function and vision, and can detect impairments such as amblyopia or strabismus. Accurate depth perception is important for careers such as pilots, athletes, and medical professionals.

A depth perception test is a scientific method for determining an individual’s depth perception. Depth perception is the ability to estimate the distance to a viewed object. Numerous brain and eye functions are required for correct depth perception. First, both eyes must work in near-perfect tandem for an accurate calculation of depth and distance. A depth perception test can detect small flaws in this process that may not be apparent in everyday life.

Depth perception occurs due to small differences in the position of the eyes in the human face. This results in two slightly different views of the same object, a process called stereopsis. The brain usually processes this visual information automatically, giving a person a three-dimensional view of all objects in view, including objects that are closer than others. Changes in vision or brain function can impair this process. A depth perception test can determine if a person has these visual impairments.

Humans and some other animals, including most primates, have stereoscopic vision because their eyes are located on the front of their heads, allowing both eyes to focus on the same object at the same time. Scientists believe this gives predatory animals such as primates the ability to target and capture prey. In modern life, numerous careers depend on accurate depth perception, including those of pilots, athletes, and medical professionals. A depth perception test may be needed to ensure that a person’s vision meets the standards required by their profession. For example, a pilot must have impeccable depth perception for the safety of an aircraft’s crew and passengers.

Depth perception depends on other visual cues besides stereopsis, such as existing knowledge of an object’s size. A depth perception test removes some of these cues to measure vision and brain function. For example, a random-dot stereotest uses generic shapes to force the subject to rely on stereopsis alone for in-depth analysis. One such test uses plastic sheets of varying clarity to create the illusion of depth.

A simple depth perception test determines whether both eyes are aligned when viewing the same object, known as convergence. Disorders such as amblyopia, commonly called lazy eye, or strabismus can impair convergence and depth perception. These conditions are easily determined when they are constant or chronic; if they occur intermittently, however, a depth perception test may be needed to detect them. Licensed optometrists or ophthalmologists can treat such conditions with therapy, corrective lenses, or both.

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