What’s a Digestive Enzyme?

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Digestive enzymes break down food for absorption in the body. They are found in various locations throughout the digestive tract and are responsible for breaking down different types of molecules. Without proper enzyme release, the body cannot absorb nutrients, leading to illness. Symptoms of enzyme problems include digestive upset, weight loss, and fatigue.

A digestive enzyme aids in the breakdown of food into smaller particles that can be absorbed by the body. Digestive enzymes are found throughout the digestive tract, from the salivary glands, through the stomach to the lower intestine. These enzymes are found in both animals and humans, although they are present in varying levels of concentration and strength.

There are four main locations where the glands secrete digestive enzymes: the salivary glands in the oral cavity, or mouth; the stomach lining; the pancreas; and the cells lining the small intestine.

In the oral cavity, or mouth, the digestive enzyme is secreted by the salivary glands. These enzymes break down starch into sugar. These first-level digestive enzymes are mixed with saliva and work quickly to kick-start this chemical process in the first stage of digestion.

Inside the stomach, there are glands responsible for the balance of enzymes responsible for breaking down protein molecules into peptides. The pancreas is responsible for secreting digestive enzymes in the large intestine. Pancreatic enzymes break down starch into sugar, lipids or fats into fatty acids and glycogen and peptides into amino acids. These chemical reactions must occur within the large intestine in order for the body to absorb these key building blocks for cells throughout the body. Glands throughout the small intestine control the release of enzymes that break down sucrose into glucose and fructose, both sugars required by the body.

Without the proper and timely release of digestive enzymes, the body would be unable to convert food into materials that can be absorbed through the intestinal walls and into the bloodstream. The nutritional value of the food would not be absorbed before the food leaves the body, resulting in serious illness. Each of the glands that secrete digestive enzymes plays a vital role in maintaining health, proper digestion and absorption of food.

Symptoms of problems with the release of a digestive enzyme include recurring digestive upset, rapid weight loss, and general fatigue. If you experience any of these symptoms on a recurring basis, see your doctor. There are several laboratory tests that can quickly determine if the problem is related to digestive enzyme release, and treatment can begin immediately.

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