Distribution shares are sold gradually over time to minimize flooding the market and reducing stock prices. It also benefits major shareholders by maintaining stock value. However, it may not always be the best option and requires market knowledge and precise projection.
Distribution shares are share offers that are sold during an extended period of time. This contrasts with the sale of stock in a single transaction. When selling a block of stock available in more small increments, there is much less chance of creating an adverse effect on the market and possibly causing a reduction in market price associated with the stock. Sometimes, the companies also use the distribution stock as a medium to test the market response to something new that the company is doing with its operation.
One of the main winds of the distribution stock is that this gradual release of the stocks available over time helps minimize the chances of the market being flooded with stocks from the same stock. When the number of shares available is much greater than the demand for these shares, it is probable that the unit price per share decreases. By dividing the new block of actions into more small groups, it is possible to release some new actions now, some more in a few weeks and some more the next month. It is less probable that this gradual goteo of stocks on the market creates a situation of flooding and it is much more probable that the unitary price of stocks remains constant and possibly even increases.
The reversers also benefit when the distribution stock is issued. The people and entities that you have significant actions in the miscellaneous actions have a personal interest in ensuring that the offer of actions maintains its current value and that they are prepared to increase its value. If stocks are sold on the market in a short period of time, the result is that actual reversers begin to experience a descent in the value of their inversion.
Some even may feel that the withdrawal is permanent and begin to negotiate the sale of their stock. Unfortunately, this menu has the effect of reducing the price per action even more and increasing the negative impact on the reversers who opt to keep their actions. When market conditions indicate that this is the probable response, adopting a distribution stock focus minimizes in large part the chances of fueling an adverse reaction.
If the distribution stock is operated by an intelligent movement, it is not always the best possible solution for the stock under consideration. A company can evaluate the current conditions of the market and determine that it is beneficial both for the business and for the current inverters to release major blocks of stock for the purchase. In both cases, registering the desired effect implies knowing the market well and projecting the answer precisely.
Active smart.